Chapter 7

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Greenleigh POV:

Why is my bed so comfy? I feel like I'm being hugged by the Marshmallow Man, and it smells sooo good. Did someone spray expensive cologne all over my pillow? Hold up. Cologne? I know I don't have the greatest memory but I don't remember a guy being in my room, and Ry doesn't use cologne. My eyes start to part open.

I'm tucked into a black comforter, looking around the room I don't see anything I recognize. There is a bit of lacrosse equipment piled on top of a chair, posters of some famous sports people, and on the bedside table there is a picture of a middle aged woman with an arm wrapped around Niko. Pause. Niko?

I sit straight up after coming to realization I'm in Niko's room. Shit, Shit, Shit. First thing I do, check under the blanket to make sure I have my clothes on. Thank the Heavens above that I am wearing all apparel except my shoes. Those things were torture chambers for my feet.

I cautiously step out of his bed and head towards a door, hoping it's not a closet. I slowly open it up and take a look around the living. It's a clean space with a large grey couch with a blanket tossed haphazardly on it. It looks like someone slept there.

As soon as I step out of Nikos room the door across from me opens. Even more shit. I rub my eyes to make sure I am not hallucinating, I see Lani step out of the door that just opened. I will take a wild guess and say that is Silas's room. Her jaw drops when she sees me.

I point to her and she points to me. "Did you-" she points to Niko's door, "and him," Lani makes a motion with her fingers to imitate sex. I start to gag.

"Hell no, did you and," I try to imitate Silas's cockiness and cool façade by leaning against the door frame. Its her turn to gag. I give an 'are you serious' look.

"I swear! All we did was kiss a little then watch Spy Kids 2," she defends. Lucky, I want to watch Spy Kids. We pause for a moment as I try to recall what happened last night. Last thing I remember it going to the kitchen with Ry to get a drink at the party, "is the man with no personality in there?"

"Keep your voice down. My head is pounding. And no he isn't here, besides I think he slept on the couch. Not entirely sure though," I tell her. I finish my sentence as another figure emerges from behind Lani, its a very tired looking Silas.

He raises his eyebrows when he sees me. "Guess I'm not the only one who got lucky last night," he says with a deep and groggy morning voice. Lani hits his chest.

"You didn't get lucky. We kissed and watched a movie," Lani scoffs.

"My point still stands. I would consider you looking in my direction getting lucky," Silas says going in to kiss Lani. She pulls back and puts a hand on his chest to keep him away. With a cocky grin she shakes her head no. Oh this is going to be entertaining to watch play out.

"You are so weird," Lani says laughing slightly. She definitely likes him.

"Anyways, back to you looking all disheveled and coming out of my bestfriends room," Silas says veering the conversation back onto me, "I thought he said he was taking you home, apparently some guy was getting a little too handsy for Niko's liking." Silas gave a little jazz hands for extra measure.

"I don't remember anything that happened, but all I know is that he-" The whole conversation is interrupted by the opening of the front door. Niko pauses and takes a sweep of the room, his eyes widening when he sees Lani and Silas.

"Hey man," Silas greets Niko while wiggling his eyebrows. Niko rolls his eyes and shifts his gaze to me. I look to his hands and see a bag with Lattes and Love printed on the front and two cups of what I assume is coffee.

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