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"Dane, it's your turn." I say groggily.

He groans as he rolls over.

"Dane if you don't get one of those crying children, I'll never have sex with you again." I kick my foot out, effectively booting him out. He lands with a thud on the floor.

A few seconds later, Haven has stopped crying.

"Sh, baby girl you're okay. Let's go eat." He coos. I drag myself out of bed, heading to Ronan's bassinet.

"Hey, Ro. Did your sissy wake you up?" His little eyes crack open. Grey. We thought they'd go either green or blue after a while, but they've stayed grey just like his sisters.

They're hair is a mess of dark locks on their heads, keeping their parentage truly undeterminable. Even with Dane, they could've just taken after my color hair.

I follow Dane down to the kitchen where he slides me a bottle across the counter. We head back up and sit in bed, feeding our babies.

His eyes never leave Haven's. He stares and stares at her, carefully planting kisses on her head. I reach across and rub his arm.

"You're a great dad." I say. He looks up and smiles.

"You're a great mom. I can't wait to watch you for the rest of our lives." He leans over and kisses my forehead. I turn to see Ryker, Colter and Cillian fast asleep.

I lean back and listen to my family.


10 years later

"Mom!" Ronan sprints inside, plowing over his sister who calls him a prick.

"Watch your language." Colter says as he comes inside.

"Sorry daddy." Haven says, batting her pretty eyes up at him. I see him soften and smirk. She's learned from the best.

"What's up?" I ask Ronan.

He beams up at me. "I hit the bullseye three times in a row!"

I smile down at him, kissing his dark hair that falls in his face. I brush it back.

"That's great, sweetheart. Now go wash up, it's time for dinner." He runs off, tugging his sisters braid on the way. She scrunches her eye brows and sprints after him down the hall.

"They're heathens." Ryker says, flopping on the couch.

"Monsters." Cillian agrees, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"Devils." Colter says.

"Terrors." Dawn finishes as he stands by me helping cook.

I roll my eyes at all of them. "They're beautiful monsters."

They come barreling back into the room, sitting at the table.

"What's for dinner?" Haven asks.

"Steak." I answer. That gets cheers as I plate their food and we all sit down.

"Dad, when do I get to stop throwing knives and shoot?" He asks. We've decided that all of them are dad. It gets confusing sometimes, but someone always answers, and we use names if it gets too confusing.

"Not until I can trust that you won't hurt anyone." Ryker answers.

"But I can do it!" He argues.

"You'll shoot yourself, dummy." Haven says, rolling her eyes.

"What'd we say about name calling?" Cillian scolds.

"Only say it to other people, never family." She recites. He smiles with satisfaction.

"That's right, baby."

I laugh at them. At their dynamics. At the life I live. At how far I've come.

Colter still can't wear anything over his face, I can't watch movies with any sort of torture in them, but we're healing.

Ryker takes the kids every month to visit his mothers grave. I take them to my families. It's a bit macabre, but they deserve to see them. We bring picnics and flowers and we bask in the sun.

Dane isn't ready to visit his sisters, so we hold off. We'll go when he's ready. Dane reaches under the table and squeezes my hand.

"Who wants desert?"


6 years later

"He's such a dick!" Haven yells, throwing a pillow across the room. Tears stream down her face.

The kids are stunners. Absolutely beautiful. They're the kind of beauties that stop people on the street, that get noticed.

This is why it's so maddening that her first ever boyfriend cheated on her.

"I'm going to cut his balls off." She screams.

I hold out a hand. She huffs as she takes it and sits by me, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"I loved him, mom." She says, her shoulders starting to shake. I don't say meaningless things, I don't tell her it's okay. I sit with her and let her cry until she's done.

"Want to get into pajamas and watch bad romcoms? I'll get your dads to bring us home snacks." I say, running my hand through her black hair.

She nods. "Can I have champagne?"

It's kind of impossible to not raise these kids spoiled.

"One glass." I say. She smiles as we walk downstairs.

We watch a few movies. Ronan should be home and I start to get worried.

"Where's your brother?" I ask her. She shrugs.

My question is immediately answered when he's drug inside by a very angry looking Ryker.

"Tell your mother what you did." He says.

Ronan looks back, silently begging his dad to not make him. Rykers face is immovable.

"I beat someone up." He mumbles, looking at the floor.

"Not just beat him up, you put him in the hospital. I did not teach you how to fight for you to use it irresponsibly, son." Ryker says.

Ronan looks up, but not at me. At his sister. They make eye contact. 

"It was Trey, wasn't it?" Haven asks. He nods. She gets up and rushes to him, throwing her arms around him and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you."

I smile and motion for Ryker to follow me to the kitchen.

"What'd I miss?" He asks.

"Trey cheated on her."

His eyes flash with anger. "That little prick."

He gets into the freezer and grabs a pack of frozen peas. He walks back out and hands them to Ronan.

"You put your weight behind the punches?" He asks.

"That's why he's in the hospital, dad." Ronan answers.

He smiles and claps his shoulder. "That's my boy."


Annnnnd it's a wrap folks

Would anyone be interested in the twins' story?

If so, drop a comment. Also, share share share this story bc I won't start writing another until this is at like 7k-10k reads.

Thank you sm to everyone who has followed along. I love y'all!

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