2-People Watching

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The city is gorgeous at night.

Everything's lit up, people are walking, talking, existing. The noise is a steady hum that lulls me to sleep every night.

That's why I opted for the studio apartment on the 5th floor. It's small, a bed, a TV, a kitchen and a bathroom, but it's all I need.

I sit on the window sill in my pajama soaking in the city below. My sketch pad sits in my lap as I draw a man leaning against his car, waiting for someone across the street.

As a child, I had dreamt of being this at peace. Of quiet, of not wondering where my next meal would come from or when the next fist would land.

That's why I worked my ass off, graduated at 16 and entered law school immediately. I got good grades, made better connections and got everything I wanted.

Almost everything.

My phone buzzes and I look down at it.

Thanks for the help today. We owe you one.
-The Carr Brothers.

I raise my eyebrows at the last name. The Carrs. That's who I was representing today. They're infamous in the city for doing what they want, when they want and with who they want. The police are under their control and the bad parts of the city are ruled by them. A slow smile spreads across my face.

It definitely wouldn't hurt to have them owe me one.

I reply:
Don't forget that.

I click off my phone and look back out to the city. I take long sip of my tea and think of the first thing I'm going to buy with my first pay check.

A car probably. A pretty deep red car with a convertible top and only two seats.

Speaking of cars, the black car with a man leaning against it sits across the street that I'm currently drawing starts to look all too familiar.

My heart beat picks up as I jump of the window sill, a gasp leaving my lips as I try to confirm who I think it is.

I narrow my eyes to see better and my spine shivers when I see that I am correct.

The dangerous one leans on the car, his arms crossed over his heavily muscled chest. He lifts a hand in a wave before rounding the vehicle, and climbing in the drivers seat.

I rub my hands up my arms, trying to chase the goosebumps away.


I smile as the little fox jumps from off her perch. Her fear is apparent from here and it is delectable. I finally move after standing still so she could finish drawing me.

I can't help but to wave at her, letting her know it is, in fact, me. The building she is in wouldn't have been my first guess for where she holes up.

So so much to learn about the little fox.

I drive away, reveling at the way she rubs her arms, searching for comfort. The fact that she is scared of me shoots a spark straight to my cock.

I can't wait to hear her scream for me.

I park in the private parking garage Colter had built for us. I told him it was a waste, as anyone who was dumb enough to mess with our cars would meet the business end of one of my knives.

He insisted, the bastard. I hop in the elevator humming as it climbs to the top floor. It dings and I head to my room, needing to rub this release out before I explode.

Cillian, Colter and Ryker all sit on the couch watching a football game. I don't bother with a greeting but Colter just has to butt in, the mother hen.

"Where have you been?" He asks, looking over at me. I glance his direction, not answering.

I keep walking to the stairs.

"Don't scare the girl too much, Dane. She could come in handy, and she'll be less than willing to help if she's too terrified to think around you." He calls out. I smile as I reach the top of the steps and close the door.

I immediately strip off my jeans and release my boner. I fist it hard and picture my little fox.

Her lips that will eventually be wrapped around my cock, her tight little body I can't wait to put my mark on, her pussy that will be mine.

I come hearing her delicious screams.


She surprised me.

She surprised me, and I make it a personal mission of mine to never be surprised.

I look down at my phone, seeing that she's responded to my message.

'Don't forget that.'

I can't remember the last time someone spoke like that to me and lived.

"You think we have an issue with Dane and Ms. Larson?" Cillian asks. I break my thoughts to look over at him.

I nod. "I think we might. You saw that look in his eye when she pulled that little stunt in the conference room. He's got her in his sights. Like a hound on a scent."

Cillian nods, swiping a hand over his face. Ryker just grunts and rolls his eyes. "I'll keep an eye on him." He says.

I look back to whatever game they've chosen tonight. That's the one thing I'm grateful for in this life. That my brothers word is their bond.

"She was hot though, wasn't she?" Cillian says with a smirk, looking over at me. I just roll my eyes and ignore him.

"Did you see those lips? Oh my god, those lips were so fuckable" Ryker groans in agreement.

I let the boys have their fun. They need to blow off steam once in a while so we don't all kill each other in this penthouse.

They continue their conversation as my mind drifts back to the various tasks that need to get done tomorrow.

Someone needs to keep this place running, and as it stands, that responsibility lands square on my shoulders.

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