6-Pandora's box

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I throw on some clothes.

I opt for some jeans and a comfy tee. I run my fingers through my hair and debate putting on makeup.

Nah. These fuckers can deal. I turn around to see Cillian leaning against the wall.

"Red is my favorite color, you know." He drawls. I pinch my brows together in confusion before a blush covers my cheeks.

Cillian laughs. "It's so easy to get you flustered, babe."

"I'm not your babe." I retort. He just stares down at me with that stupid, cocky grin.

"Well, are we going?" I huff, glaring up at him.

"We sure are, Rhya." We walk out the door and he turns around and makes sure everything is locked.

I could've done that, I think to myself. These men are a bunch of overbearing mother hens. I follow him down to the street and scan it for a car. When I don't see one, I look at him confused.

"Around back." Is all he says. We walk to the back of the building and my jaw hits the floor. A 2022 Lamborghini Aventador in gold chrome sits by the curb.

He walks to the passenger side and opens the door, gesturing for me to get in. I walk, stunned, the the car and climb in, running my hands over the luxury leather.

"Wow." I whisper. He slides in next to me and starts it. The engine springs to life and I about burst right then and there. Men are okay, but give me a sexy car and I'll be content for the rest of my life.

"You like it?" He asks.

I look at him with nothing but awe in my eyes. I'd be lying if I said that this man did not look absolutely beautiful in this car.

"It's alright." I lie. He chuckles and shakes his head, before pulling out into the street and zooming off.

By the time we pull into a private car park, I'm pinching myself to make sure this is still real. He parks and gets out as I try to follow suit. He's by my door before I can open it myself.

"You're such a flirt." I say. He winks at me.

"You love it." He says humbly.

I roll my eyes. "Roll your eyes again at me, Rhya, I dare you." He says, side eyeing me. I bite my lip to keep my smirk at bay, playing the innocent girl part well.

We enter the elevator. He inserts a key into the panel that allows us to get to the top floor. I reach for my bag, only to realize that nothing is by my side. I turn to Cillian.

"I forgot my laptop." He shrugs as he types on his phone.

"It's fine, we've got one for you." I nod. Exactly how rich are these men?

The elevator dings and the doors open. Oh. Right. Stupid rich. This penthouse puts my wildest dreams to shame.

Large windows replace the walls. The furniture is all black with matte black floors. Gold accents flit around the room. The living room has an absolutely massive couch with an even larger TV on the wall in front of it.

The Devil's Advocate (18+)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें