12- Battle of Wills

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"What're we doing here?" I ask Colter as we sit camped outside of Cillian's exes house.

It's small but modern and nice. Upstate New York is always really nice.

"Stopping by and saying hi, what else?" Colter says, that homicidal glint in his eyes that has me checking to make sure I have enough weaponry in case Crazy Colter comes out to play.

Many people think that Dane is the sadist, but that's not true. Colter may keep an icy front, but dude's running hot 24/7. Every once in a while, he lets the mask slip, and a lot of people die.

"Why? There's nothing she's going to tell us. We might as well kill her and then the whole lawsuit goes away." I say, running a finger over one of the knives I've brought.

Colter shakes his head. "No. Someone else will just pick it up. David's already been replaced. This thing won't go away on it's own."

I look at him. "Then what the hell are we doing here?"

He side eyes me and I take a breath. I'm on edge today. Today is visit-mom-day which always makes me nervous.

I really hope I get to punch someone.

"We're seeing if we can't find some middle ground." With that, he cocks his gun and tucks it into his waist band.

I smile. Right, sure. Middle ground.

My feet hit the gravel as I follow him inside. The house is bland, boring and everything I'd expect from the girl living there.

"Silvia, how are you?" Colter says, that icy mask plastered over the violence that lingers under it. He may seem like that type to not get his hands dirty, but I've seen him covered in blood with a smile of pure bliss across his face.

He's a scary motherfucker.

"Get out." She demands, reaching for a gun under the coffee table where she sits.

"Grab that gun and I'll cut your hand off." I snap. I have no patience for this abomination of a woman. She played my brother. Her time will come.

"You're not fast enough." She says.

"Want to put money on that," I say starting to shift my weight to my toes. Colter's hand shoots out and stops me.

"We're not here for that. We're here to talk to you." Colter says coolly. She glares. "Talk to my lawyer." She says with a smirk. "I've talked to yours. She's a crafty little thing I'll admit." She says, standing and walking up to Colter.

"We'll take care of her, don't you worry." She drags her finger up Colter's chest. A muscle feathers in his jaw and I want to rip the bitches head off.

Colter has a thing about being touched. Mostly he just hates it. He won't tell anyone why, but we've all learned the boundary.

"Tell me, Colter, can you fuck as well as your brother?" She reaches down to grab his groin when he snaps. He grips her neck, turns them both around and slams her into the wall. He squeezes her neck so hard her face starts to turn purple as he lifts her clear off the ground so she's eye level with him.

Told you. Scary.

"I will tell you this exactly one time." He grits in her ear as she sputters and thrashes, trying to get out of his vice grip. I lean back and soak in the fact that she's finally getting a fraction of what she deserves.

"You touch me or anyone in my house, I'll kill your entire blood line. The Alonzo's will cease to exist and I'll kill you last so that you have the distinct pleasure of living through the death of your family." With that, he steps back and let's her crumple to the ground. She grabs her neck and sputters.

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