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We reach the mansion in no less than 30 minutes. We exited the car and went straight to the basement. The basement was made like a jail cell decades ago. It reminded me of the great grandparents.

I was walking down the hallway to the cell he was in. I walked up to Maximus and asked, "Has he said anything." "No sir, he's just been silent ever since we caught him," he said. "Okay, good job," I said.

He opened the cell and I walked in. I wasn't shocked to see who it was. "Well I could say that I was surprised, but I'm not," I said. "Silent treatment I see," I said. *We'll see how long he can stay quiet*

I took my suit jacket off leaving me in my white button-up. I walked over to my favorite place. It was a table filled with different weapons I used to torture my victims. There were so many I liked to use, but I decided to use my favorite knife.

I picked it up and walked over to him slowly. *I can practically smell the fair off of him* I trialed the knife up his thigh to his neck. "I can make this easy or make it hard, you choose," I said. He didn't say anything.

"Okay the hard way it is," I said stabbing the knife in his thigh. A scream of pain was all I heard when I retrieved it and back to the same spot. "Still won't talk I see," I said. "Diego pass the steel rod," I asked him.

I watched as his face grew with fright. *He should be... no one messes with the Moores* "Wait I'll talk," he said. It took him long enough...he probably knows what happens when I ask for the steel rod*

"Speak, before I change my mind," I said. "He had my family man, I had to, I didn't want to but that's my family." "It's a shame you'll be going back to that family in pieces," I said. "He said if I talk hell kill them," he said.

"How would he know that you take about him," I said. It was quiet for a moment until I asked Diego to hand me the rod. He watched in horror as I walked to him with the rod. I brought it to the freshly mad wound in his leg.

"THERES ANOTHER MOLE, THAT HOW HE"LL KNOW," he said. *Another one* "And who's your boss," I asked. "If I tell you, please find my family," he said. *Yada yada* "We'll find your family for you, but you'll die," I said.

His face went pale as a ghost. "My boss is your enemy," he said looking defeated by one wound. " Deigo you take care of the rest before I decide to kill him," I said. to him walking out. "Yes sir," he said.


I was in one of my ten most famous clubs having a drink with Deigo. "So what did you do to him," I asked. "You know me," he said. He's right I know him, he wouldn't kill a fly unless there was a great reason why.

"So you let him live," I said. "Yes, because one he has family, and you know me," *Family first, job later* "Yeah I know, but he betrayed us," I said. "Yes he did, but he had a reason too, right" he said.

"You better hide him from me," I said. "Already did," he said. "You know me too well," I said. We stopped talking when the waiter came and gave us our drinks. I had my regular, whiskey while Diego had two shots of Vadka.

I drank it while looking down at the club. On the right, there was a girl dancing on the floor for a man. To the left, there were a few underage kids at the bar drinking. *Always* I saw Diego got up and I asked, "Where are you going."

"To see my girl," he said. I rolled my eyes and went back to looking down at the club. "You should really get a girlfriend," he said. "Didn't I had one," I said. "Yeah, had meaning past," he said.

"I'm good, plus I'm looking for someone," I said. "I know that, but what if she's not out there," he said. "I just have a feeling she's out there," I said. " What if she's not," he said. "Then I die old and single," I said.

"Your parents won't let you," he said. *He has a point there* "They'll have to," I said as if that will ever happen.

"Well I'm out," he said. then he left to go see his girlfriend. *Where are you* I've searching for her for the past decade and still have no clue where she is. I may have dated this girl my dad wanted me to date for 2 years, but I just wasn't there in the relationship.

Yeah, we fucked so what, doesn't everyone do. She was good while it lasted, I ended things with her when I caught her with one of my guards. She's lucky I didn't kill her, I just killed the guy who slept with her, can't have anyone ruining my ego.

I took a deep breath and then got up to leave for home. I was just not feeling it anymore.


When I got home I went to bed to clear my head from today. All I had to worry about was that Boxing max in the next 2 months. If we lose again I swear to god I'm a kill everyone.

I then drifted to sleep thinking about the girl I saw today with those blue eyes that reminded me of her so much.


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