P r e v i e w

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Kevian Grey Lennox is a perfect example of -- the devil who wears a skin of a human. Grew up in a family where his single-parent dad treated him like a pathetic stain, which eventually led him to disgrace anything associated with him. It was brutal when there was no mother figure to guide his way out of the darkest part of his childhood.

So when, Lilac Forrest, just a seventeen-year-old girl, entered his life with an unexpected twist. He never thought that someone like her could lead him to do shits he never promised to commit.

When the darkest spiritual level swirls in the same place, it is hard to avoid their sequence of unexpected drama and fights.

It's not the best day to meet your loving partner but it is a beautiful day to fight with a total stranger who would you love to hate.


Thanks me later. ;)

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Beyond The Heart Of An EvilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang