C h a p t e r - T w o

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Just wanted to thank whoever dared to read more of this book.

It will get better with time, believe me. ♡


Kevian woke up in the evening resting on his bed edge, his body down the floor and messy head over the bedsheet.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the digital clock next to his bed.

18: 45 p.m.

The lights of his room were dim and an occasional sound of his pets, Cloud and Cube were reaching him through the gap of his semi-closed door, the strong lines were peeking inside the room as he moved to his bed and got himself together.

Why did he take a nap, he didn't do anything in his apartment other than sit and breathe, playing with Cloud and Cube was not an option as they were fast asleep for a long time, but they are active in the hall now.

He slumped forward put his both elbows on his upper thigh and covered his face.

He sighed lightly - "..."

He walked out from his bedroom to find Cube approaching him after some quick meows, she started rubbing herself against his legs as he eyerolled and pulled her own his hold walking towards Couch where Cloud had already scattered his pedigree all over the place.

"You don't do that Cloud, I told you not to mess-" He sighed and put Cube on the table and started cleaning the couch first as Cloud started barking and jumping around non-stop, he barked and barked as once or twice jumped over Kevian to get his attention which he wasn't ready to give, he was upset and Cloud was still brightly messing with the furry carpet.

"Just play there and don't-"

Cloud started barking again at Cube, in response, she lay silently on her place as Kevian eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Do I have to say it again? Do you want me to say it again? Don't bark-"

Bark! Bark!

"You son of a Bitch." He muttered and threw the hard pillow in his direction which Cloud somehow dodged in time and his eyes widened for a quick moment.

"I told you to lay down and don't make me throw you out of my place, you will listen to me or else you're welcome to leave." He didn't try to shout at the fragile puppy as he was anything but understanding anything other than his owner was upset.

Cloud finally lowered his head to the carpet and started playing with his ears and tail.

When He was satisfied that none of them would disturb him for a while, he left the kitchen looking for some snacks for them, also for himself as his stomach was hurting out of hunger.

He returned after some time as both pets started dancing around his legs again. Kevian had to give them food in separate bowls as he settled on the couch, getting ready to switch the tv on and munch on his snack.

Not until after a few moments of rest, did someone ring the bell of his door which made his head turn to the dark corridor of entrance slightly.

"What the heck, I just ordered and it's already here?" He stood up from his place and walked towards the corridor switching on the lights as he covered his face with the mask laid on the entrance cupboard.

He looked through the peephole first.

The front was empty, he waited for some time, and that's when someone stood on the other side trying to look through the peephole.

"Who the f-"

The ring bells again as he stood up and waited for the person to leave the place.

It surely wasn't some delivery guy.

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