Chapter 29: Raiding Party Recovery

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Next came an ear-shattering boom. You were deaf for a moment, when you saw armed men storm the room.

There were three people coming in that you immediately recognized. It was Ghost, Chara, and Bismarck. Ghost had his pistol drawn, Chara in full tactical gear and a M4, and Bismarck with her rigging.
Two men came to you.

"Are you alright sir?"

You were still crying, and you couldn't answer. You couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

"He's not talking, so I don't know. We'll have to take him to the infirmary. He's got some rather severe wounds."

You saw Bismarck rush to Roon.

"You're in deep trouble now, Roon. Hurting a superior? And not only that, my boyfriend!? You dare tarnish the honor of the Iron Blood!?"

Roon was trembling. Bismarck had her full 38cm cannons aimed into Roon. One move and Roon was fine red mist.

"He's going to be okay, right? I mean, he's not going to die, is he?"

"He's not going to die, but he needs medical attention. Let's get him to the infirmary."

Chara came over to you.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

You were crying, and shaking. You could barely speak.

"W-w-w-what... what's going on?"

"Oh, we heard about this from Bismarck. She didn't tell me exactly what was happening, but she knew this was a trap."

Bismarck grabbed Roon by the collar, and removed her belt. The raid team checked the rest of the room.

"Sir, no sign of Akagi. She's gone."

"That bitch. She's probably fled to somewhere else. No reason attempting a chase from here." Ghost responded.

Chara removed the rope around your hands and legs. You were still crying. You couldn't stop. You couldn't control your emotions.

"Come on, Y/N, let's get you out of here."

Ghost walked over.

"Y/N, I'm glad you're alright. Come on, let's get out of here."

You couldn't talk. You soon blacked out from the pain.

A Few Hours later...

You awoke to being in the Wolfpack hospital. Treating you was a familiar face, Andrew.

"Good grief kid. You had some nasty whippings. Some of them nearly cut the skin. You're lucky you don't have internal bleeding. You had some pretty bad cuts. I can't believe you survived that. I'm shocked."

"Where... am I?"

"Wolfpack Combat Infirmary. How are you feeling, Commander? Any pain? Do you feel nauseous? Are you hungry? Anything feels out of place? Tell me, please, Commander. I need to know if anything is wrong."

"No, no. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, Doc. I just need to lay here."

"Okay. That's fine. There's some guests who want to see you."

The door opened, and Bismarck greeted you.

"Oh mein Gott! Thank god you're okay!"

She embraced you, and didn't want to let go.

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now