Chapter 27: Having a Little Fun With Blücher

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With that, you returned to your desk. You still worked with Hipper and Blücher. Of course, the first person at your desk with you was Blücher.

"Hello Commander! I got done with all of my work just so I could be with you! But I could reeeaaaly use a hug from you to keep me going!"

"Oh, okay."

You hugged her, and she was smiling like an idiot.

"I love hugs! Especially from you!"

"You sure love them, Blücher. But, you need to focus on work."

"But, I don't wanna! Hugs are nice!"

"I know, but we need to get done."


You didn't want to get angry at her, but it was getting hard not to.

"Blücher, please focus on work. If you do, I'll let you come with me and Bismarck somewhere, okay?"

That seemed to make her stary-eyed.

"Really?! A date with you and Lord Bismarck! Why that's a high honor! I'll get to work right away!"

She jumped up and down in her chair, and she got right back to work. You smiled.

"Thanks, Blücher. I'm glad to hear it."

She was now focused on her work, and didn't say a word. Although, now Hipper was looking at you.

"What is it, Hipper?"

"Oh, nothing, Commander. I'm just thinking about my sister."

"Your sister? What about her?"

"Well, I have to say, I think she's a bit annoying. She talks too much."

"Eh, whatever, she just an innocent little cinnamon roll."

"Yeah, an annoying cinnamon roll. It's like she doesn't know anything."

"Man. You really are a Tsundere. I watched my fair share of anime and you really, really are one." You quipped back.

"Oh shut up, blockhead!"

You laughed.

"Hey, if you ever have any complaints about me, my complaints department is always open. It just might not respond." You joked.

"You're an idiot."

You laughed.

"Yeah, the idiot that captured Bismarck's heart."

Eugen heard your little roast, and you could hear a faint "Daaaaaamn" in the distance where she was.

"Oh, hush. I can hear you, Eugen. One more peep from you and I'm whacking you over the head!" Hipper snapped.

You heard some faint giggles from Eugen.

"What's so funny?"

"You. You're just so adorable."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah, shut up! Get back to work!"

"Alright sis."

She was definitely a Tsundere. She was so cute when she got all embarrassed. You didn't know if she would appreciate if you told her that, though.

Hours passed and you and your work group still was working. The day was coming to a close. You had some more paperwork left to do, but the day was done. Bismarck came in the office, and was looking for you.

"Ah, there you are, Y/N. So, what's the plan?"

"Well I promised Blücher that she could come with us today. She's been on my case about that. I might as well treat her."

"Hmm... that sounds fun."

"Yeah. Well, let's get going."

"Alright, let's get going."

You and Bismarck walked over to Blücher.

"Hey Blücher, you want to come with us now? The workday is over."

"Yes, yes, yes! I would love to come with you and Lord Bismarck! Thank you so much commander! This is why I love you so, so, sooooo much!"

She was bouncing up and down in her chair, and you hugged her.

"Aww, don't worry about it. Now, let's go."

She nodded, and the three of you walked out the office.

"So, where are we going?"

"Oh, I was thinking a movie, or maybe we could check out the arcade, or even go shopping. I don't know. Whatever you want, Blücher. It's up to you."

"Aww... I don't know. Let's just go somewhere we'll have fun!"

"Alright, Blücher. We'll figure it out."

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang