Chapter 23: A Year Later

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A year passed. You were finally a Commander, and Bismarck was now Grand Admiral of the Ironwolf Fleet, as Wolfpack grew its private navy. While the fleet was now mostly combat ready, you still had your paperwork to do. You were also now second in command along side Tirpitz, Graf Zeppelin, and Frederick Der Große. Some of the other former Iron Blood shipgirls had joined, including Z23, Blücher, Elbe, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, U-556, and Graf Spee. The office space was now much more cramped than it once was, but it was a nice change of pace, since there wasn't as much work now, other than taking care of work, and making sure the girls didn't get into trouble.
You were getting some work done, and by your side, was Blücher. She was one of the sisters of Hipper and Eugen, but unlike her sisters, she always demanded attention. She was also quite the bundle of joy.

"Commander, does seeing me make you all happy?"

You couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, Blücher, it does."

She giggled, and gave you a hug.

"Good! I'm glad you like me! You should get a hug from me all the time!"

"Okay, okay, I'll do that. Now, if you excuse me, I have to finish this."

She nodded, and you went back to work. Bismarck also stopped over to talk.

"Heh... isn't Blücher just a little bundle of joy?"

"Yeah... albeit a bit... clingy."

"Well, at least she's just an innocent little cinnamon roll. Unlike Roon... who's just violently clingy."

"Yeah, you're right about that."

You and Bismarck laughed, and she sat down on the couch, and Blücher laid on your lap.

"Hi, Lord Bismarck!"

"Hello Blücher. How are you doing today? I hope you're not being a nuisance for Y/N."

"No, not at all. He's taking care of me like he always does."

"That's good, Blücher. Make sure Y/N is nice to you."

"I will!"

"Good, now, you'd better be a good girl, okay? Don't get into trouble."

"I won't, I promise."

Bismarck chuckled.


"Bye, Blücher."

"Bye, Lord Bismarck!"

Bismarck left, and you continued to work. You thought about it, and you kinda realized how much Blücher would be great training for you, if you eventually decided to have kids. You had never given the thought about kids before, but it was an option. But, that was a discussion for another day.

You were interrupted by a knock on the door, and in came Chara.

"Hey, Y/N, how's work?"

"Oh, hey Chara. I'm doing alright."

"Good. Hey, Ghost wanted to invite you and Bismarck for some coffee. He just got back from his brief combat tour with the Brotherhood of Steel, and wanted to talk."

"Oh, okay. I'll be down in a sec."


You got up and walked over to the elevator. You and Chara took the elevator down, and got into the coffee shop. Waiting for you was Ghost and Bismarck.

"Hey, Chara, hey Y/N."

"Hi, Ghost. Hello, Bismarck."

"We were expecting y'all. Let me guess, tied up with work, Y/N? Besides, I'm proud with you and Bismarck's work getting the fleet started."

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)Where stories live. Discover now