Chapter 21: A Day at the Beach

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A Few Days Later...

You were waiting on Bismarck to get changed as you waited on the beach.

"What's taking her so long?"

You were sitting on the beach, in your swim shorts, waiting for her. You heard footsteps approach, and you turned to see Bismarck.

"Hey, Biscko. I-"

You were shocked. Your heart stopped the moment you saw her. If looks could kill, you were long dead. Her black bikini was rather tight, and her thighs were extremely exposed. The top was also very tight, and it emphasized her breasts. She still wore her peaked cap, even with her long blonde hair waving in the wind.

"G-Good grief... this bikini... is so tight."

Bismarck blushed.

"Y-Yeah, well... uh..."

You were sweating bullets. Your hands were trembling. You had never seen Bismarck in anything other than a military uniform, or in her regular outfit, but never anything like this.

"I-It's a great view..."

Your face turned red, and you were panting.

"W-Well... I-I'm glad you like it."

"S-So, um, what do you think?"

You were breathing heavily. You didn't know what to say.


"D-Do you like it?"

"Y-Yeah... it's... wow."

"Th-Thanks. I'm glad. It's embarrassing wearing this in public, but..."

"Y-Yeah... it's not bad."


"Y-Yeah. I... I like it. It's nice."

"I'm glad you think so."

You were sweating. You couldn't stop. You couldn't think straight. You looked to your left and saw Ghost and Chara coming over to you and Bismarck.

"Heh... talk about a couples day at the beach, eh Lieutenant?" Chara jabbed.

"Well... I guess?"

Bismarck blushed heavily. Even you were blushing about Chara's looks. She was as sexy as Bismarck in her own red bikini, with her long, chocolate brown hair flowing in the wind. She was just as voluptuous as Bismarck. You almost thought this was some kind of perverted dream you were having.

"Sup LT. Seems like you're a bit tongue-tied there, bucko." Ghost added.

He gave you a drink, mostly just a bottle of beer.

"Ah, thanks, Ghost."

"Sure, buddy."

Ghost and Chara sat down with you, and the four of you started to chat. Bismarck seemed all too shy to talk. She was so nervous. You knew the reason why.

"You two enjoying the beach? Looks like you've got some great views, eh, boys?" Chara asked.

"W-Well, um..."

"Well, seems like a picture out of Playboy, huh? You should be rather lucky to have something like this for once, Y/N. I mean, hell, we've got two girls to ourselves." Ghost added.

"W-Well, I guess. It's just, um..."

"It's okay, Y/N. Spit it out, partner."

"W-Well, it's just that... Bismarck is a really great girl, and... um... well..."

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