Chapter 2: Meetup at the Bar

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It was just shy past 8:00 when you got to the bar, you found Ghost and another lady with him. You sat down with the couple.

"Sup newbie. So, how's your first day with us?"

"Good. Got lots of work, but good."

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear."

The lady next to him had a ring on her, and had long brown hair, with a green sweater and singular yellow stipe down the middle.

"Oh, and before I forget, this is my fiancée, Chara. She's my second in command."

She smiles.

"Welcome, Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard good things about you."

You shake her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Well, now that you've met everyone, let's get down to business. What do you want to drink?"


"Got it."

Ghost ordered you a bourbon, and got one for himself, as well as one for Chara.

You two clink glasses.

"To new adventures."

You all cheers and take a sip. You put the glass down, and the bourbon went straight to your head.

"Woo, that's some good shit."

"Glad you like it."

You look around the bar, and see lots of other men and women drinking. It was quite nice to see so many people drinking and having fun. You turn back to your boss and his fiancée.

"So, the reason I brought you out for drinks is a tradition we do with our new sign-on's. Especially officers, since it's better to get a personal relationship with our officers, and maybe get to know them. Since you are one, I thought you and Chara would get along great."

You and Chara talk and get to know each other. Chara is a really friendly woman, with a very nice personality, and seems to have a really great sense of humor. She's a real social butterfly, and everyone seems to love her, and she's got a cute laugh, and a pretty smile. She's also very fit, having a fairly well-developed figure, as well as a nice rack.

Chara asked, "So, newbie, you got anyone on your mind tonight? You seem like you're staring a lot."

You blush, and look away.

"Oh, no. I was just staring because it was a pretty crowded place, and everyone looks so nice."

"Mmhmm, I see how it is. You obviously got someone your thinking about. Is it one of the girls in the naval department?"

You feel awkward and blush even more. She giggles.

"Oh come on, don't make me pressure you!"

You take another sip of your bourbon, and think for a moment.

"Okay, okay. Yes, I do have someone on my mind."

"Ooh, do tell. Who is it? I'll bet it's one of the shipgirls."

"It's... Bismarck."

"Aww, that's sweet. You like the big boss, huh?"

"W-Well, yeah. She's very kind, and very pretty, and she's a really nice lady."

"I bet she is. Bismarck is very sweet, and kind. Although, she hasn't really gotten out to things like this. She's not much of a hanging out kinda girl. She's always working."

Ghost added on, "Well, yeah, she overworks herself. I've invited her, but it seems she got more work. But I guess that happens, since she has to run this place. But I guess you two would make a great couple."

Chara smiled.

"She's also really hot. I'm jealous."

"Y-Yeah, she is pretty hot."

"Haha, I bet. She's very big. Nice rack and nice ass."

She winks.

"Chara, please don't tease him."

"Oops, I didn't realize. Sorry. It was a joke."

You shake your head.

"It's alright. I shouldn't be getting all hot and bothered about it anyway. She's my boss."

Chara raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Ooh, so you wanna bang your boss?"

You look away and blush.

"W-Well, yeah. But I shouldn't. It wouldn't be right."

"Haha, well, if you do decide to do it, please invite me and Ghost to watch. And, we can help."

"Wait, what the fuck?" You asked confused.

"Pfft, oh my god, your reaction is priceless. I'm joking."

"Jesus Christ, you two. Really? You don't even know him. I'm sorry Y/N, my fiancée here has a very weird sense of humor. I apologize for her."

"It's alright, I think."

"Haha, see, you even say it's alright."

She giggles.

You finish your drinks and pay, thanking the two.
Just when they left, you saw someone familiar walking in. It was Bismarck, she walked straight down to the bar, and sat down. Ghost and Chara already left, and it was just you.

You were too nervous to say anything, but Bismarck ordered something. She noticed you sitting there.

"Hello, Y/N."

She greeted you with a smile.


She takes a sip of her drink.

"So, what're you doing here?" You ask.

"W-Well, I was told that there was a bar here, and that it was good to get to know your subordinates better, so I decided to stop by and say hello. I might be a bit late, I just saw Chara and Ghost leave for the night."

"I see. It's good to see you, anyway, madam."

She chuckles.

"Haha, don't call me that in private."

"Of course, sorry."

You drink your drink, and Bismarck ordered a second one, and then a third.

You had a bit more alcohol than usual, and were a little drunk, so you weren't thinking too well.


"Hrm? Whazzat?"

"You're really drunk. You sure you want to go home?"

"Nah... I'm goooood..."

"Alright then..."

You got more drunk, and was feeling really nice. Bismarck is looking so beautiful, you couldn't take your eyes off her. You wanted to say something. You didn't care if you embarrassed yourself. You had to say it.


She looks at you, confused.

"Yeah, Y/N?"

"You look so cute... even for a CO."

She blushed.

"Why thank you, Ensign. You are so kind."

She smiles. You get a bit carried away.

"So soft."

"You're drunk, Y/N."

"Yeah... so? So what?"

You start to lean forward, but you pass out on the table.

Bismarck giggles.

"Y/N, you silly boy."

She puts your arm around her shoulder, and carried you outside. You couldn't exactly remember what happened.

Softening a Heart of Iron (Reader x Bismarck)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن