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You will always be remembered.

He thought as he gazed at the doll cradled within his grasp.

Rising from his seat, he began heading to the room. On the way there, he couldn't stop himself from smiling, as he was entirely certain that everything would go according to his plan. His heart soared with joy and enthusiasm, for he harbored unwavering certainty that she would be with him again, and this time forever.

As he stepped inside the dimly lit room, its only source of illumination being the neatly organized candles, he halted his motion and directed his gaze toward the board placed in the heart of the candle-lit circle.

The Ouija board, to be precise.

With a smile, he regarded the board, completely aware of its power to communicate with the other side

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With a smile, he regarded the board, completely aware of its power to communicate with the other side. Carefully, he gently positioned himself before the board, cautious as to not accidentally extinguish the glow of the candles. Seated leg-crossed on the hardwood floor, he gingerly placed his fingers on the planchette and inhaled deeply, preparing himself to begin speaking. The overwhelming silence that had enveloped the ambiance for an extended period was finally broken as he ultimately found his voice and managed to utter the question.

"Is there anyone here in the room?"

As he quietly spoke, his voice reverberated through the large room. A deafening silence shrouded the room; the only sound fleetingly breaking it was his rapid breathing as he dreaded the likelihood of not receiving a rejoinder. But as the ambiance gradually grew frigid, demonstrating the presence of an invisible apparition, he began getting exhilarated again. The longer the planchette remained immobile, the more impatient he grew, as all he craved for at the moment was for it to move. However, his wait finally ended when the long-awaited event had at last arrived.


With a leisurely motion, the planchette glided across the board, eventually coming to rest on yes. A surge of euphoria washed over him, as he was confident that it was none other than her. At that moment, his pulse expedited, not from apprehension or dismay this time, but from an exhilarating anticipation that coursed through his veins.

"What's your name?"

Despite his unwavering certainty that the invisible entity he was conversing with is her, he inquired just to be sure. The wait, however, proved to be minimal as the reply arrived expeditiously.


With a countenance aglow with delight, he watched as the planchette deliberately traversed across the six alphabetic symbols, forming a name that made his heart soar with elation. Seizing the opportune presence of her spirit, he decided to articulate all of the sentiments and words he had bottled up for a long period. 

"Evelyn, darling, I know you can hear me now, so please come on, I promise you we'll be together forever, no one will be able to separate us this time."

In hopeful anticipation, he uttered, his voice laced with optimism. Eagerly, he awaited an answer, and after a few fleeting moments, the planchette glided across the board, meandering from one letter to the next. Mindfully, he traced the path of the planchette, ensuring that he would effortlessly decipher the sentence that unfolded before him.


Recognizing it as a query, albeit lacking the customary punctuation of a question mark on the Ouija board, he found himself compelled to articulate his response, unhesitatingly and without a moment's contemplation.

"Yes, yes, I promise we're inseparable this time,"

With each passing moment, his anticipation grew, eagerly awaiting the long-awaited event. Casting a quick glance at the doll to ensure its presence, his countenance brightened as he observed the subtle movements it made. With a sense of delight, he fixated his gaze upon the doll, witnessing its ethereal ascent. Gradually, it elevated until it reached near the ceiling, emanating a radiant reddish glow from its chest that compelled him to squint. In a peculiar synchrony, the candles extinguished and the Ouija board levitated into the air. Though momentarily blinded by the overwhelming luminosity, he knew that once the ordeal ceased, she would finally be by his side.

After a few minutes of the doll being suspended in mid-air, accompanied by the levitation of the Ouija board, both of them were abruptly hurled down to the ground. With a determined grit, he cautiously maneuvered his way towards the doll, acutely aware of the undeniable presence of her spirit now encapsulated within.

"Evelyn, darling, I love you so much," With uncontainable delight, he cried, tears of joy ceaselessly streaming down his face. Tenderly, he enfolded the doll in his arms, sensing a pulsating rhythm within its fabric form, as though it possessed a life force. Ineffable elation consumed him, for he could scarcely fathom that, amid the torment and sorrow endured, he had regained at least one of those he had lost.

However, unbeknownst to him...

It wasn't only her that came back.

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