"Right" he said and i saw a girl walking pass my room wearing Chris hoodie and her underwear.

"Chris Jesus christ" i said and we started laughing

"Where were you yesterday?" he said and i froze. Flashbacks started filling my head again.

"I um didnt like the party so i just went outside and sat somewhere" Chris nodded

"Dont worry she is leaving soon"

"She was sweet yesterday"

"Oh no that is not Leyla, thats um, uh Mary?" i couldn't handle it i just started laughing at his face.

"Anyway Ares is coming so i better get her out of here" he said and went to leave

"Wait," i yelled and he turned
"When is Ares coming?" i said and he looked at me confused

"Uh in an hour or less" he said and i just nodded and he left.

We didnt talk since yesterday not even talked in the car last night. Everything is just weird.

I got up and got in the shower, i got to smell good when he comes over.

I wore some shorts and a grey hoodie. Its not cold inside our house because of the heatig we have but i still wear hoodies and stuff to get more in the winter mood.

Blow dried my hair and putted mascara on my lashes. Some lip balm and i heard someone knocking the door. I went closer to my door and i opened it a little to hear what is going on.

Chris opened the door and started talking with someone but i wasnt sure if it was Ares but it's probably him.

I started walking downstairs while holding my phone trying not to look to the couch that they were sitting.

I ignored them and got in the kitchen. I poured some water in a glass and as i was going to put it back i fet someone coming in.

"Morning" i heard Ares saying and my heart dropped.

I turned around to face him but i didnt look in his eyes.

"Hey" i said and he was making steps towards me and i was walking backwards untill i got pinned against the counter. He lift my chin up with his thumb and our gazes locked right away.

"Ares who ever Nicole is she keeps texting you and saying that she cant forget about last night" Chris said, i could feel my heart breaking into small pieces while hearing him.

Ares immediately backed off me and went to the living room. Asshole.

I followed him and sat on the armchair that was infront of the couch where he was sitting.

"You fucker why didnt you tell me that you fucked someone yesterday" Chris said and Ares scratched the back of his neck while glancing at me.

"I uh was waiting for a bit" he said and my eyes were already filled with tears.

"Well tell me" Chris said and i just stood up and left.

I went in my room started crying. My heart was in thousand pieces for someone that isnt worth it.
He is a piece of shit.

After some minutes i heard the door downstairs opening and the closing so i figured he left but then my bedroom door opened and it was him. I stood up right away.

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