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I stare at her and she stares back
"Let me ask you something, do you see the world as I do?"
She nods her head, indicating her yes
A saddened smile forms on my face
"Darling, do you see the world as I do?",I ask once more
She seems confused,so I answer for her

"This world is cruel and built for destruction
This world is pure evil, yet it's hidden with a good exterior
This place is filled with hate and rage
Don't be fooled little girl, it's not what they say
How sad it is that we're born into this world with such hope and joy, we get excited for the new
But the world beats it out of us until we are nothing but dew that sets upon the grass after a freezing night
It's sad to think all happiness is drained and claimed by the world until we become it's working slaves
The more you age,the more you're drained
It's like a curse set in place", I mumble to her

Her eyes seem lost in my tale,
Somehow she seems quite dispirited
But I'm not sure she understands it yet
So I begin to end my tale

"The answer to my question is that you don't see the world as I do, not just yet.
But mabye, just mabye you'll be spared."

She reaches to wipe the tears off my cheek
"Don't cry, we're strong remember", she whispers back to me
I smile at her but then she's gone
Shes disappeared and doomed to the same fate as I.
At least she has some hope for us,even though are fates are sealed and I know how her story is deemed.


This is probably the longest poem I've written, let me know what you think!

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