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When is it my turn?
When is it my turn to be helped?
When will it be my turn to be heard?
When will they see how tainted I am?
Hear my every word

When will they acknowledge me?
Or hear my pleas
I don't think they will
I don't think they care

Yet I give to everyone
I make sure everyone is heard even when I'm struggling
I make sure to heal those I haven't hurt
I listen to those who need to be heard

I give advice no matter what
I don't dismiss a single thought
I never compare or ignore
But why is it that I'm so sore

No one listens and no one cares
So I'll continue to care and listen instead
So that no one has to ever feel the aches I do

The asylum of my thoughts [Poetry]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz