You really killed him?

He raised his hand again causing me to wince. I said shut yo ass up he said then he continued. It's his fault that he got caught. It's really funny when I think about it. Everywhere I went, I saw that car, but I never imagined that I was being followed. If I hadn't caught him when I did our whole plan would have been fucked up. Our plan, I thought when he said that.

I heard the door knob turn again and footsteps were descending the stairs. When she reached the bottom, I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. It was Brittany with a fucking smile on her face. My eyes couldn't be deceiving me but she had a baby bump. Was this dumb pregnant for B? I couldn't do shit else but shake my head. She sat down in the chair across from mine. You thought it was over huh, she asked. I was too shocked to say anything. She stood up and struck me in the face. Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you. I felt a wet substance coming from my nose, it was bleeding. She sat back in the chair and said, "Let's try this again now." Did you think after you put me in the hospital it was over? Yeah foolishly, I thought you would regret doing what you did to my son and let go but silly me.

"Is that a hint of sarcasm I hear in your tone," she asked. I was frightened when B approached and backed down. No, I mumbled. "That's what I thought," she said. This bitch was irking me. She needed a man to help her handle me, how lame is that. "It's funny how this plan came into play," she said. My initial strategy was to pay B to get you to leave Rome. I anticipated that your weak ass would hang on his to his every word. Guys haven't even bothered to look your way since high school, so I know it had to play a major part in your low self-esteem. How did it feel to believe that two men were running behind you? Your head was probably in the clouds, I bet. Come back to reality, Omani; you're not that bitch and you never will be. Anyway, things developed and eventually B and I started dating. We have a new plan, get rid of Rome and you, and rebuild my dad's empire. You might be thinking why do I need to kill you in order to do that?

The answer is simple, I don't, but Rome took something dear to me and your dear to him whether he wants to admit it or not, so I'm taking my revenge by killing you.

A beast that I can no longer contain was unleashed in me when I learned from B that Rome killed my brother. So blame all this on Rome. I can promise you he will be following soon after.

My mouth made a faint sound of laughter. I hastened up and pursed my lips to stop myself from laughing out loud at this dumb bitch. B questioned, "What's so funny?"

I mean you should know what's funny right?

He said, "What do you mean by that?"

I mean this dumb bitch sitting here thinking Rome killed her brother. She needed to hear the truth, and I had had it with holding my tongue. I looked back at Brittany and let her have it. Since B killed your brother, I desperately hope and pray that the baby inside of you is not his. B so low down he fucked you knowing he killed him and that's sad I thought he was better than that. Brittany questioned him, "What's she talking about?" He attempted to gaslight the hell out of her by saying, "You gonna listen to this bitch over me." Let me tell you something else, I said. Rome was gonna let your brother go. He was going to let him walk right out the door but B shot him. Stop fucking lying, B yelled and punched me in the face. I had never experienced the kind of pain that was caused by that hit. B wasn't in my line of sight when I looked up. I was now only able to see with one eye. B what the fuck is she talking about, Brittany Yelled. Stop fucking lying, B said with a blow to the pit of my stomach. B kept hitting me, one after the other. My mind was filled with "God, please save me." I started pleading with him, "Please stop, I'm sorry." It fell on deaf ears. He punched me so forcefully that the chair and I both tumbled down. I was so relieved when the chair gave way because it caused him to stop. I begged God to please keep my baby safe and to forgive me for attempting to get rid of it.

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