The Calm Within The Storm pt. 2 | Justin x Oliver

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Oliver's P.O.V.

I woke up to a thunderstorm. There were flashes of light outside and it was beautiful. That is until I realized Seb would be freaking out right now.

I got up and made my way to his room. I knocked on the door before opening it.

"I came to check up on you. I woke up and realized there was a thunderstorm. But looks like you guys have it under control." I smirked.

Seb threw a pillow at me but I easily dodged it. "Darren was helping me calm down. I got scared."

I then got worried about Seb and lost the jokingly manner. "Ok, but if you need anything, Seb, just come get me."

"Eh, I've got Darren. I think I'll be fine."

I only rolled my eyes at his response. I turned to leave when I heard him say one more thing.

"Tell Justin I say hi."

How did he know I was going to Justin's room? Darren laughed as I flipped Seb off and left and just as he suspected, went to J's room.

I quietly opened the door. His room was dim with purple light from the LEDs in his room. I snuck over to his bed. He was fast asleep, turned away from me. I lifted the covers and got in.

He woke up as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned in my arms to look at me.

"What are you doing?" His voice was raspy.

"Coming to sleep with you."

"Mmmm, what's got you up though?" He starts playing with my hair as I put my head on his chest.

"I realized there was a storm and went to check on Seb."

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah, Darren's with him."


"Yep. Also, Seb says hi."

"How'd he know you'd come here?"

"Well, it's kind of predictable."

He let's out a little giggle. "Night, Oli."

"Night, J."

We fall asleep, still holding each other.

This story was supposed to be short and sweet. It's part 2 to the Seb x Darren oneshot. So, if you haven't read that one first, feel free to check it out, although, it's not needed to understand this oneshot.

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