The first match. El Dorado 01 Vs Team Zan: Chapter 2-2 (Before the Match)

Start from the beginning

— But I ... — looked at the uniform in a sad tone, clutching the blanket, Tenma went to change clothes.

— However, it suits you. Saru replied sarcastically.

— Are you kidding me? Moreover, you don't give me the right to choose, even though I'm not your thing! So, you're also...—Before he could express his indignation, Evan used his impulse again. — S-stop it, my head is splitting. Tenma said in a low tone.

— You can say it louder, Saru was indignant. — The elder Evan got up and went to the door, only after that Matsukaza's headaches passed. — I'm annoyed by your tantrums. Keep in mind, your position after the match will depend on how you behave at the match. Try to somehow talk or not do what the captain tells you. Do you understand everything?

—Y-yes...— said Tenma.

"Don't forget the raincoat. At the time of the match, no one should know that you are Matsukaze Tenma. Otherwise, problems may arise.

—Good..." said Tenma, throwing a cloak over himself. — I wonder how long — will this continue...? Although... maybe it's forever? Friends, I am unlikely to be accepted back... — Tears flowed from his eyes again. — I don't want to play against them... And I don't understand what they want from me.

— Come on! Saru said, looking at his brother. — Take this. Older Evan. held out a handkerchief. — Wipe your tears.

Tenma took a handkerchief and wiped them. Having gone down to the bottom, where the Znark team was already ready, they waited only for Matsukaza. Avalonik noticed that the kid was in a bad mood, but he didn't show it.

"Zanark, he's under your care. The leader commanded.

— Understood. Tenma don't let me down, you're a striker. We're counting on you," he said, putting his hand on Matsukaza's shoulder. This stunned the kid even more; his eyes became like five kopecks. He glanced sharply in the direction of his older brother. "He wanted to ask, "what does this mean!?" — But did not...

Evan noticed this and only grinned, mentally saying. — Obedient brother.


— Sorry Tsurugi, but I won't be able to attend the match. Shindou said.

— I understand everything, the fate of Tenma depends on it. After all, you and Shinsuke will try to get to the Fed's base while they are at the tournament.

— That's right, if we manage to get in, find the place where Matsukaze is and hide there. Consider the victory in our pocket.

"Don't think it's going to be easy to beat him off, alone. Wait for the arrival of the others. Tsukrugi said.

"You're right. Shinsuke, are you ready? Shindou asked the kid.

- yes! I want to help the Topic! Shinsuke replied enthusiastically.

— Good luck at the match. Shindou said, walking away into the distance. Shinsuke, said the same as Takuto, going after him.

— Gouenji, what do you think about this? A man with brown dreadlocks spoke. — Why, they didn't tell us anything, but act in threes?

— You, after all perfectly, heard everything. This is somehow connected with the loss of Matsukaza. However, they spoke too confidently about the fact that Freud's organization was involved in this. Shuuya said, "It looks like they know more information from somewhere than we do. As ironic as it sounds, it all explains why we can't find where Matsukaze is now. Yuto replied.

— We can only believe in them. Gouenji said. — Come on, the match between Team Zan and your team will start soon. I hope they are ready?

— I have no doubtabout it. Kidou replied.


— The players are preparing for the match. Ragnarok will start soon. — Whose teams will win. — The announcer said.

The teams took to the field, before the match, the teams began to warm up. Sarah, looking after his younger brother. Tenma is not hunting, but still started warming up. He saw Kyousuke and a few more of his guys, mixed up with others.

The Kido coach noticed the behavior without the player, the Team Zan. And he called Tsurugi: — Kyousuke, come here! Yuto ordered.

— Called, Coach? — Said, a boy with yellow eyes that looked like a cat's eyes.

"Are you and Shindou and Fei up to something?" Is it about that player? — The coach said, looking in the direction of Matsukaza.

— You... Do you know everything?

— I accidentally heard when you were talking about it. Yuto said. — Tell me everything you know. Kidou said in a serious tone.

Tsurugi, laid out everything they learned from Aoi's story. — That's why we assume that the player could be Tenma.

— Cruel. The red—haired girl said.

— However, we do not know what their purpose is. Tsurugi replied.

— I see. So, the one in the raincoat could be Matsukaze? Try to approach him," the coach said.

Zanark, the captain of their rivals' team, came up to them. — I overheard your lovely conversation. I want to warn you. It's better not to go to him, as he charmingly looks after him.

— Why are you telling us this? Tsurugi was indignant.

— You know, there is something that you don't know - not me. If you want your friend to get it later, then go ahead. You may approach. — Said Zanark, returning to his guys for the last time.

— What do you think about it? Tsurugi asked the coach in surprise.

"We'll do it the way he said. Kidou replied.

— Despite this, I will play at full strength, Tenma. Tsurugi said in his mind. — But what about you? Kyousuke said, looking in the direction of the mysterious kid.

Their gazes crossed, Matsukaze looked at the boy with dark blue hair. Noticing that he received an answering look, he immediately turned away and mentally spoke. — Sorry Tsurugi, I-I don't want to play with you like this... — Tenma, clenched his fists looking at the floor. 

The first whistle sounded the match has begun!

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