Chapter Thirty: Duel of Death

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Noctum had been living in the rainforest for a week. He had quickly come across a fast flowing river, which he had drunk from. Some of the very dangerous black caiman, a relative of the alligator that is six meters long and weighs in at around 450kg. Noctum slaughtered a whole group of them, his superhuman abilities giving him a serious edge against the creatures. The water tasted strange, but it was fresh enough, and the roasted caiman meat was to die for,

"Day seven," Noctum narrated,

He had read somewhere that keeping track of what you're doing can stop you from going crazy in the wilderness, but he had no idea if it was true. Food and water weren't his only problems, as despite the fact that Adam could overpower or outlast any beast in the rainforest, he still had no idea where he was going. Some help had been gained from him figuring out which direction was North, using some mould that was growing on the tree bark. Rain pattered down on Adam as he walked through the underbrush, being careful not to step on any snakes. Not because he thought that they could hurt him, but because he didn't want to ruin the life of an innocent reptile with his own complacency,

"Adam?" A voice croaked from the underbrush as he moved past,

"Who goes there?" He boomed, facing the direction of the voice,

"Relax, Noctum, it's me," Jones Blakk announced, stepping out from behind some trees,

"Glad to see you survived your run-in with Nighthawk," Noctum congratulated,

A strange look passed across Blakk's face as he replied,

"He has your friend, Zachary. We need to get to the base where he is being held ASAP,"

"Hold up a minute, how did you learn to survive in the forest like this?" Noctum asked, "it's been a pain in the ass for me, and I can't even get hurt,"

"I used to read a lot of Bear Grylls," Jones replied, pulling out a phone,

At the look on Noctum's face, he spoke

"No signal, they can't track us out here," Jones said, "but the map still works due to the SCD homing tech,"

Jones held out something to Noctum,

"What's this?" He asked, taking the band-like object and studying its metal surface,

"Prevents any trackers that Nighthawk might have put on you from working," Jones replied as Noctum slapped it on his wrist,

"It's actually only a kilometre or so that way," Jones pointed,

"Let's get moving then," Noctum replied as Jones led him further into his forest, in a march towards their final conflict,

Zavant stepped out of the training chamber, blood clotting over his forehead. He had trained in an altitude chamber, a place with extreme gravity and low air breathability. Zavant needed to be strong in body as well as mind if his plan was going to succeed. He pulled on a shirt, covering the spider's web of scars that coated his body, pale white from the agony that even now he felt,

"That was incredible!" Jester shouted, coming off the monitors, "your speed and reactions were off the scale!"

"No, I can do better," Zavant interrupted, pouring them both a tall glass of Scotch from a decanter, 

"So, when are we going to deal with this Nighthawk problem?" Jester asked, "Jimmy and I are ready to mobilise any time you want,"

"I actually have another two teammates for you," Zavant replied, "and it's best not to attack Nighthawk now, while he is at his peak of power,"

Zavant slid two files towards Jester,

"These are your new teammates," 

"Christian Carter, that fatass? He was kicked out for treason!" Jester yelled, affronted,

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