Chapter Four: Sparks of Vengeance

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The police could not be notified of the burglary, as the armour stolen was not supposed to exist, alien life had not been revealed to the larger public, and therefore, not even the SCD would be believed. The SCD was an American foundation created during the Second World War to combat the nazi's super-terrorist programmes. SCD stood for Superhuman Control Division and contained a task force of superhuman individuals who were trained to kill or capture other superhuman individuals.

Jones Blakk was second in command of the SCD, a strong man who prided himself in being at his physical peak, and was currently facing a lot of heat regarding this God of Speed. The top and considerably more overweight man, Christian Carter, was currently being very aggressive towards Jones, despite the former's support for Carter during the election period. Only two other people could keep Carter and Jones in check, the team leader, and some new guy who had appeared, as if fallen from the heavens, a few days prior,

"Who the fuck is Kinetic?" Christian screamed,

"We don't know, sir," Jones replied calmly, walking all the faster down the grey hallway of the SCD building,

"Jones, this man stole a trillion dollar piece of equipment, he must be caught!"

"Don't you think I have already tried everything?" Jones whispered,

"What was that, you lowly piece of shit?"

Jones had had enough. He swung round, grabbed the collar of his considerably fatter boss, and slammed him into the cast iron walls,

"I have tried everything in my power to find the culprit!" Jones shouted back, "you better watch your lazy fat ass Christian, I have had your back from the get-go. Without me, you would've been useless, out of office within an hour, remember who you are!"

Christian was shocked and intimidated. His self-preservation skills kicking in,

"I'm very sorry, Jones,"

"Don't worry about it, superhumans stronger than this one have been defeated, we should tell Jester and the rest of the task force about it, they're more experienced than us,"

And just like that, as if nothing had happened, Jones Blakk and Christian Carter walked again through the hall, thinking quietly rather than arguing. After a couple of minutes, they reached Training Room 4, Jester's favourite haunt, which was occupied by purple flashes and loud cracks,

"Open up, Jester!" Jones Shouted,

The lights and sounds abruptly stopped, and the door swung open, a man standing in the doorway. Nearing twenty years of age, Jester was in a much better shape than he was a few days before. A government agent who had been afflicted by the explosion in Uluru, Jester had gone from an average Joe to a professional, lean body builder in a matter of seconds, and that wasn't even the start of the special abilities he had gained,

"Sir!" Jester boomed as he stood to attention, a tight salute raised to Carter, who dismissed the motion,

"Jester, you do all the heavy lifting in the division, I should be saluting you,"

"Thank you, sir!" Jester replied, "Are you here to talk about The Nine?"

"Not exactly. Did you hear about the break-in to the facility last night?"

"Yes sir, am I a suspect, sir?"

"Initially, yes," Christian replied, "but you were accounted for in this room,"

"Yes, sir,"

"Jester, you do not know what I am about to ask of you,"

"You want me to go after Kinetic, sir?"

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