Chapter Nine: Pursuit

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Yurin Kasakopf looked back at his rear-view mirror. He observed the three remaining members of the Nine. They had all taken up alter egos at the request of Bjorn, who had paid the archaeologists well for their services. The three had done this reluctantly but did not regret the pay-off or the superhuman abilities. The man with the lightning powers had adopted the name Shock, the one whose hands and the rest of his body could transform had been christened Edge for his tendency to use sabres for his hands. The third, more intimidating man had taken the mantle of Nomad, a title that had been used by Noctum when he first encountered Bjorn.

Yurin called the Norseman, telling him that he had sent the three after Noctum. Bjorn was very happy with this news. Although the giant did not need Yurin around forever, he did appear to have some uses.

Noctum faced off against Shock, Egde, and Nomad, attempting to formulate a plan to win. He knew that Edge could not hurt him, but he equally knew that Shock's electricity would hurt very much,

"Let's take this away from the vines!" Adam yelled across the few meters to his foes,

"And why the hell are we gonna do what a dead man wants?" Shock replied cockily,

"Because Bjorn will give you the estate once I'm gone," Noctum replied, "and we could destroy the vineyard if we fight, winemakers make millions,"

Shock and Edge considered this before deciding, foolishly, to walk with Noctum so as not to damage millions of dollars of wine. Nomad knew, like Noctum, that winemakers did not make millions, but went along with his crew anyway. To him, it did not matter where they fought, Noctum would lose the battle,

"How about over there?" Noctum asked, pointing at the empty lot that used to be a Discovery Parks centre,

"Fine by us," Egde answered,

Noctum led the others towards the centre of the empty lot, maintaining a very fast stride while groping around in his pocket for the earpiece that could let him contact his friends. Finding it quickly, Noctum raised it up to put in his ear. With a loud crack, the earpiece blew apart, and a stinging erupted in Noctum's right hand. Shock had blown it to pieces, and, strangely, Noctum's hand was bleeding, something that not even Shaine's blades could accomplish.

Noctum's plan was formulated, and he was certain that he could win the confrontation. The three were mere meters behind him when he broke into a sprint, spinning like a top, potential energy converting into Kinetic energy. Noctums fist moved so swiftly that Shock could not evade it. It crashed into his face, sending him literally flying backwards as if he had been struck by a car. The blood that sprayed from his shattered nose floated there for a second, minuscule crimson droplets suspended before they came crashing down.

Egde slashed at Noctum, hands once again sharpening into tough blades, but the Vigilante blocked, bringing his arm up to stop the blow. Edge was surprised. His arms could cut through solid steel, but this man couldn't be broken as easily. Noctum was confused as well. He had taken out one man and was effortlessly dealing with a second, so why hadn't the third man stepped in? Noctum glanced over at the third man and noticed something was wrong but ignored it. The man wasn't running to attack him, so Noctum wouldn't worry. He delivered a brutal kick to Edge's chest, knocking the breath out of the man, attempting to follow up with a right hook. Someone caught his hand mid motion. Noctum looked up to see the third man, standing menacingly, and was reminded of his fight with Bjorn. Then, he realised what was wrong with the man. His form was blurred, as if he was being seen through an old VHS tape. Nomad's body was also producing noise, similar to static, which made his voice near unintelligible,

"That's enough," Nomad spoke evenly, his voice distorted with the vibrations,

Noctum opened his mouth to reply, but instead delivered a fierce headbutt to Nomad, sending the bigger man stumbling backwards. Then Noctum charged forward, swinging his fist as he ran straight through the man. Noctum stumbled and fell flat on his face, it was as if he had fallen through Nomad. As Adam tried to rise, the bigger man swung a kick at Noctum, sending him back down. Then, he grabbed Noctum by the ankles, holding him upside down,

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