The room goes still and quiet. I can feel Sweeney's gaze on my like a hawk and it makes me wanna giggle. Only because I've practically saved him from having to kill the lad, and that he may know that i know. Knowing this makes me wonder if I can use it against him, only if he were to ever catch me.

"Something wrong pet?" I ask, looking at him with a slight smirk. I called him pet in way to fuck with him, test him to see what he does.
He looks at me weirdly, a questionable look on his face. I tilt my head slightly and squint my eyes.
"Sweeney? You okay? Looks like you almost seen a ghost?" I taunt him and I love it. This feeling of control and mind fucking him makes me feel giddy. I can't tell if he knows or is trying to find out.

"No love. No ghosts" he smiles weakly.
I nod and glance around the room. Waving my arms around my hips I walk towards the chest.
"I heard a strange noise from downstairs. A loud thud, coming from here. What on Earth were you and Pirelli talking about?"  I question him.
I am genuinely curious about what they were talking about.
What lead him to kill him.
He looks at me then at the chest for a brief second. I know he's in here. I just want to fuck with him a little more.

"In fact, where is Pirelli?" I lift my leg over the other, showing my ankle a little bit, but I don't realise. He looks down and his eyes droop heavy. He chuckles a little bit.

"Business. He wanted the money back that he'd given me. He'd also want to share business, earn half my earnings and other things" he's casually speaking now. Trying to act all normal.
"Other things?" I ask. I'm genuinely curious and really want to know.

"He asked of you.." he said, his face dropping entirely and replaced with what seems a little anger.
"Me? What off?" I ask. He looks at me and then looks away, almost as if he's ashamed or something.
"He asked that he may have...time with you. Said he'd seen you before and didn't get the chance. Wanted a full experience" he practically grits out the last part.
Ah, i see. He's not ashamed. Id say he's, jealous?      Which is even more laughable.

I chuckle. It wasn't a shock to know this, he just made me sick with his 'great' status or business or whatever. But knowing that Sweeney possibly felt jealous over this, it makes me wanna fuck with him even more. I've completely forgotten about the body I'm sitting on, I'm more intrigued in this conversation.
"Oh really? Fancy that" I say in a breathless way, smirking slightly. And this seems to anger him.
"'Fancy that'. You want that man to take you out? Wine and dine you?  Talk about business and shaving beards?  Have the lad serve you like a servant?" his tone is full of disgust and the way he speaks to me in this serious way, makes me irritated slightly. The fact that he actually believes that I would ever go with that man is pure shit.

He's getting way ahead of himself. Must be because I've been agitating him whilst being here, taunting him with questions while his crime is under me. I just smile and this makes him burst.

"Would you let him touch you? Hold you? Take you to his place? Let him feel you, your ass, your cunt!? Would you let him fuck you like a greedy whore!? He's practically shouting through gritted teeth, whilst smiling. He's trying to insult me, which he had. I can only smile at him with wide eyes.  Fuck it.

" no..." I smile and stand up. Turn fast lifting the lid of the chest up with a slam and grabbing the back of Pirelli's hair, lifting him up to face Sweeney's way. I lean next to Pirelli's face whilst looking straight at Sweeney. His eyes widen and he's seems lost for words. My blood is rushing through my veins at this adrenaline feeling, my heart flutters and my fingers twitch as they are missing something.

I notice one of Sweeney's blades on the side, quickly grabbing it.
"I'd fucking kill him before he even had the chance" with that, I slice Pirelli's neck open, the feeling of skin tearing open and pouring fresh blood all over the floor Sweeney had just cleaned makes me feel bliss. I remember this feeling, the feeling that I've done something good by ridding this person of the face of the world. His body shakes rapidly, making gurgling noises as he chokes on his own blood. The sound is like music to my ears and the feeling of this body growing lifeless in my arms feels comforting to know that this awful man, is now gone.

I sigh and drop his body back into the chest, closing the lid. My hands are now covered in blood, but I just hold them together.
Sweeney is still looking at me with pure confusion and what almost seems as admiration. Funny that.

I smile and wait for him to say something. But Nellie is now bursting through the door.
Before she speaks she looks at Sweeney then at me, then at the blood stained floor.
"Mr didn't" she whispers.
She's not all that fazed by this. Did she know? Does she know?
"Yes. And no. Y/n sort of ..finished him" he replied like normal.
Nellie looks at me, seeing that my hands are covered in blood and that my face is relaxed.

" My god, your both mad" she signs and rests her hand on her forehead.

"He was blackmailing me. This business. My secrets." Sweeney speaks up.
This seems to have reassured Nellie and she simple replies, "oh well that's another story then. For a sec there I thought you lost your marbles"

She goes to open the chest and gasps at the sight. I also look and notice that the bottom of the chest has filled with flood.
Nellie then reached in a takes a pouch full of coins.  "Waste not. Want not"

I chuckle.
"Well, clearly we got a lot to talk about. But first, what about the lad?" Nellie questions, hands on her hips.
"Send him up" Sweeney responds, turning away.
He still wants to kill Toby,!? Why!? He didn't see anything, didn't do anything! This angers me and I'm quick to respond.
"You wont touch him"
Sweeney turns to me and stares. Tension is being built up here and Nellie saves it by chipping in.
"Let me keep him. I can use him for around the shop"
"You have me" I'm a little offended that she would consider extra help. Then again, I haven't even done real work here. I can't, there's no work to do.

"I do, but clearly we need a new alibi" she shrugs.
I'm sorry, a what? alibi?
"Alibi? Why do you need a new alibi? Is that what I was?" I question. Is that why she took me in? to use me as an alibi???
I don't know whether to be angry or not...

"No.....yes." She seems bad about admitting that and I can't help but feel surprised. If she's involved with whatever Sweeney's got going on then I guess it's understandable.

"Right well.........I guess first things first....." i motion to the chest and everything else.

"How bout you both get cleaned up and I'll clean this up. Don't worry bout Toby, he's knocked out from drinking most of the bloody gin"
Nellie waves us both off.
I hide my hands in my dress pockets and Sweeney puts a jacket on.
"We'll talk later. We clearly have a lot to go over" Nellie calls out before we're out the door.

Walking down, we're both silent. I'm not exactly sure what to say after all that, and clearly neither does Sweeney. Now it's just awkward.
Thankfully there's no one walking around, cause I just noticed some blood at the ends of my dress. Thank fuck that it's black. But now I need to clean it, and myself. I think a bath sound good. So that's exactly what I'll do.

Sweeney's POV

Fuck me........

(Not too much gore I'd say. I understand that I'm changing the original story. That is the plan.

Sorry if it feelings like it's dragging sort parts and speeding some others. But please enjoy)

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