~ The Final Chapter ~

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Omniscient POV:

So here we are, the day before the wedding.

The day that Sade and Lauren had dreamt of since they were eighteen, and the day that everyone around them expected to see eventually down the road, also since they were eighteen. So many were excited for them, including Lauren's fans and Sade's employees, as well as those on social media that knew of their engagement. And the two loved the support, of course, and couldn't help but be overwhelmingly grateful for it.

As of now, it's about eleven in the morning, and last night was the couple's last night spent in the same bed, for tonight they'd be in separate hotel rooms.

After tonight, which is deemed to be their extravagant bachelorette party by none other than Hunter Ellis, the two won't be able to see each other until that special moment at the altar. Sure they could've done away with such a tradition, because it was their wedding after all. But they both decided to do it anyway, just to make the moment of seeing each other walk down the aisle all the more magical.

In their spacious bedroom, and sizable bed, laid a wide awake Sade, and a worn out Lauren in her arms, snuggled up to her side with her head on her chest. Of course neither of them were wearing any clothes, as nothing but a bed sheet covered them. Because what would a last night together be without immense lovemaking until the sun had come up?

Sade simply rested on her back as her eyes stared into space upon the ceiling.

I get married tomorrow, she thought. And as she kept saying it in her head; once in disbelief, then in denial, then with nerves, the last held the utmost excitement as a blush grew on her face. She bit her lip softly as her gaze trailed down to the head curls sprawled along her chest. The hand she had on Lauren's back began to softly rub it, letting her fingertips gently glide up and down her lover's soft skin. And only a few seconds passed before Lauren squirmed a little as a rasped giggle sounded from her,

"Emerald, that tickless," she held tighter to Sade's midsection as her fiance chuckled as well. She then sighed in contentment. "What's on your mind?"

"What you mean?"

She couldn't help the smile that tugged her lips as soon as Lauren picked her head up to give her a knowing look.

"You've been up for a minute and haven't moved a muscle. So, my best guess is that you've been staring at the ceiling and letting your thoughts just take you by storm?" She knowingly crossed her arms on her fiance's chest as she batted her lashes at her. Sade chuckled with a sheepish eye roll. "Am I wrong?"

"Yess," she teased, then her giggles echoed throughout the room as Lauren tickled her sides. "Okay, okay! Fine, you're right," she rolled her eyes again once catching her breath. "....It's just... I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow."

Hearing the soft tone within her lover's voice, Lauren sat up to where Sade was now under her a bit, but still at her side. Now intertwining their legs, she pulled at her waist so that Sade would face her more, instead of laying on her back. And once they met eyes, she laid a gentle hand to her cheek while leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"How're you feeling about it? Honestly?..." Lauren asked sincerely.

"It feels... surreal," Sade whispered through a soft exhale. "Since high school, I've dreamt of this day with you, and now...it's really happening... And I'm just, overwhelmingly happy that it is, and that I'm not wondering what if, or having to suffer through watching you be with someone else." She took Lauren's hand from her cheek to fondle with until their fingers interlaced. "I'm just happy that we found our way back to each other...because I really don't ever wanna imagine my life without you Honeybee..."

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