Chapter 56

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~ Earlier That Same Day ~

Lauren's POV:

Waking up with a large arm tightened across my torso, I mentally groaned at the day ahead of me.

We're currently at my penthouse here in Venice Beach, California. Micah's supposed to be ditching his place in New York to live here with me, especially after the engagement but he seems to like putting it off. Not that I'm surprised or bothered by it, in fact I want my space to myself for as long as possible before the wedding.

He came in last night drunk or high off his ass, I'm not really sure if it was either alone or both. I did my best to hide from him in my music room until it wore off some. It's never good when I'm in his line of vision or focus when he comes home like that. With it having resulted in broken furniture, a body slam into the wall followed by a backhanded slap, and being yelled at for no reason, I've learned to just steer clear.

It's foolish, I know, being in a relationship such as this one. Anyone could see that. But there's things most don't know about Micah and I, things keeping me with him, even with his treatment toward me. When he's not under the influence or pissed off, he's very sweet and loving with me. And I think, up until a month ago, that was enough. Hence my saying yes to his proposal and still being with him now. As of now, I'm not so sure.

Anyway, today's not the day for dwelling on it. Today, I've got a trip to make and old friends to see.

Dylan told me that this dinner with Aria and himself was just to catch up. But he says it's really important I make it, so I have a feeling it's more than that. I didn't want to think about the potential reasons or people I'd see. I'm going for their support, that's it.

Trying to pry myself from my fiancé's grasp, I did my best not to wake him. Apparently, it was no use given his immediate stirring upon my movement.

"Where you going?" he grumbled from behind me. I held my breath as my naked body stiffened a bit,

"The bathroom," I muttered, closing my eyes.

A kiss was placed on my shoulder and his grip loosened. Slowly, I eased from the bed. Thankfully, a large t-shirt was sprawled on the chair next to the bed, so I quickly threw it on. Micah shifted and I could feel his eyes on me as I walked across the room. I didn't dare look in his direction. Not after last night, and probably not for the rest of the day. That'd be hard considering he's coming with me to Tampa and the dinner, but we'll see how that goes I guess.

The second the bathroom door was closed, I turned on the faucet to let the water spill a careless stream into the sink. As if a smooth waterfall, it poured from the outlet so clear and transparent. A small, yet admirable luxury to this place.

In a brief daze, my eyes focused on the water as it cascaded from the faucet down into the drain. Motionless, I stood there, as tears clouded my vision, but my gaze never wavered. This cry was soft, quiet, and unexpected. It snuck up on me, and I couldn't do anything but let it pass for it's already here.

Soon, my palms found the counter as I leaned forward, slowly trailing my gaze to my reflection in the mirror. It's something I don't do often nowadays, looking in the mirror for too long. Not on my own. What I saw staring back wasn't me, not completely. And it hasn't been for a while.

You're okay..... I inhaled a sharp breath, then exhaled a shaky one. You're okay.

In a swift motion, I turned from my disappointing reflection and headed for the shower.


The private plane ride from California to Florida took about five and a half hours. Micah and I sat opposite each other on either side of the plane, in silence mostly. I'd only speak when spoken to, trying my best to mask my utter disgust and contempt toward him. Thankfully, he wasn't paying much attention to me anyway due to phone calls here and there.

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