Chapter 137: Meeting of the Minds

Start from the beginning

"Yvian doesn't like to be touched," Captain Mims spoke up. "Why don't you give her a little space."

"Oh. Right." Yuriko backed away, mortified. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean..."

"No." Yvian held up a hand. "No, it's alright. I was just..." She cleared her throat. "I was just caught off guard, is all." She grabbed her cup. "I need more coffee." She brushed passed the woman, closing her eyes and trying to breath slow. Her pulse was pounding in her ears.

Dr. Laswell changed the subject. "When will Matt be here."

"He won't," said Yuriko. "He's fornicating."


"Also fornicating."

"That's..." Dr. Laswell pulled a comm pad out. "That's not acceptable."

"Don't bother," said Dr. Miner. To Yvian's immense relief, the woman plopped down next to Dr. Laswell, on the other side of the table. "They won't come."

Dr. Laswell scowled. "Why not?"

"Because..." Dr. Miner gave Yvian a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry sweetie." She pointed at Yvian. "Because she's here."

Dr. Laswell blinked. "What?"

"She's motherless," Yuriko explained. "Her mother disowned her and struck her name from the Registry of Families."

"So?" Dr. Laswell shifted in her chair. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's a severe social stigma," Dr. Miner informed her. "Think Nazi or pedophile. Pixens usually kill motherless on sight, and anyone who associates with them gets shunned the same way." She shook her head. "And Yvian's not just any outcast. She's famous. The pixens here still get broadcasts from the Confederation, and the news has been painting Yvian as a mom-hating anarchist pirate for the last several months. Most of our researchers have been eating that shit up. They hate her with a passion that's almost holy."

"I suppose that explains why the rest of our staff declined the meeting," Dr. Laswell muttered. "But that's no reason Doctors Paulson and Nelson shouldn't come."

"Are you kidding?" Dr. Miner raised both eyebrows. "I told you anyone who associates with her gets shunned. The boys are pent up researchers with no social skills who suddenly found themselves on a station full of beautiful, exotic women famous for their libidos. No force in the verse is enough to make them risk giving that up."

"Crunch." Yvian should have anticipated this. She knew perfectly well she wasn't the only pixen who'd risked their freedom for an education. She should have known there were pixen scientists, and the problems her presence would cause. "Maybe I should go?"

"Don't even think it," said Mims. "You're the Mother of Pixa, whether they like it or not."

"What about you?" Dr. Laswell asked Yuriko. "Aren't you concerned about this... social stigma?"

"Obviously not. I'm here, aren't I?" Yuriko sipped her coffee. "Besides, the whole idea is stupid. Giving a parent the power to exile their kids? If my Mom could've done that..." She shook her head. "No. I won't stand for it." Then she smiled. "Besides, I'm too charming to be shunned."

"Of course you are." Dr. Laswell sighed.

A few minutes later, the door opened again. Three Vrrl walked in. Hulking brutes in armor the color of blood. One was gray with a black mane. One was orange with red stripes and a brown mane. One was green with black spots like Scarrend. The orange one took the lead. He spread his arms and gave a roar that shook the room and froze Yvian's blood. As the sound reverberated off the bulkheads, he took a fighting stance. "SCARGIVER MIMS! I CHALL-"

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