Glow Ball peeps and runs to Kayla.

"Glow Ball, it's a hologram. Come, let me show you," says Kayla, waving her hand through the hologram-rahoni and it flickers, disappearing and reappearing.

Why did Kayla think this would soothe Glow Ball? Now Glow Ball runs to me, quaking behind me.

"It was through the accounts of Xindi pet owners that we learned of our pets' best accomplishment; their ability to communicate with us. There was an account of pets communicating with their owners and saving their lives—a young Xindi led out of a fire by his glowing red pet, or an elderly scourge averting a deadly electric storm because his pet blocked the door and glowed red. Despite that, no one could save us from our destiny—the planet was killing the Xindi. Some of the Xindis dealt with that by fleeing this planet in starships, searching for new homes. They are probably re-enacting this all over again on new planets all over the galaxy, molding new moons and planets to their will. And who am I, you might ask? I am—or was since now you are only speaking to a recording of me—the last Xindi on this planet. I stayed behind because I believed in it, although not in the way you might imagine..."

The hologram rahoni draped over the Xindi's shoulders leaps onto the floor and rapidly grows so that it is much bigger than the Xindi.

For some strange reason, Glow Ball, who only minutes ago was terrified by the small hologram rahoni, loves the idea of a large one. Glow Ball wags his tail and bows in front of it as if inviting the large animal to play. When it does nothing, Glow Ball runs straight at it, leaping and–

The giant animal flickers, and Glow Ball now looks back at me from inside the animal. Glow Ball makes the most pitiful yowl.

Kayla laughs. "How many times do we need to tell you, Glow Ball? It's a hologram, which means that big rahoni can't play with you."

Our Xindi guide continues. "I believed in the animals we created. They were originally small so that they could curl up with us in our laps, but I pushed their genes further. My hope is that they will grow much larger. I also returned them to the wild. Except for one..."

The large rahoni hologram is now so big that its head is near the ceiling of this chamber. When the Xindi stretches his hand out, the rahoni hologram lowers his head to meet the Xindi's outstretched hand. The Xindi pets the snout of the hologram rahoni, and it sounds like thunder inside the chamber.

"I tried to reintegrate this one into the wild so many times, but he always came back. I eventually gave up and learned something new about them; they are loyal for life. Now that you know the history of the Xindi, do not be sorry for us. This story happens all over the universe with species springing into the world, disappearing, and dying out. Should you happen to see my old friend, be kind."

As if on cue, the rahoni hologram raises his head and howls. I shiver, wondering if my imagination is getting carried away because I swear, the howl is mournful. As I watch them, both the Xindi and rahoni holograms flicker and disappear. Not as much starlight penetrates here, and it feels like being plunged into darkness. I had known the Xindi and giant rahoni were not real, but it still hurts to see them vanish. I feel like I've lost... friends?

Glow Ball chose that moment to attack the large tail of the animal, so Glow Ball lands on the floor and there is not even a flicker of light of the tail or claw or body, and he mews. I scoop Glow Ball from the floor, giving the animal a strong hug. No one needs to know that the hug is more for my sake than for Glow Ball's.

There is another loud howl followed by a gust of wind. The chamber shakes and rocks fall from the ceiling. It takes me a moment to realize that this howl comes from outside the chamber.

"It's not safe here. The ceiling could collapse or falling rocks could block our exit. Come on," says Kayla, pulling me along with her as she races for the exit.

I keep a tight hold of Glow Ball and run with Kayla. When we get outside, even though it is hard to see with the sudden, too-bright light of the star, we run along the trail.

There is a thundering roar and a few rocks slam into the ground. Kayla signals to me, and I join her, ducking behind a large boulder.

A large, serpent-like head sniffs along the trail. I am terrified. Is this creature exploring or—I gulp—following our trail? The animal rears up and beats its wings, stirring up a small windstorm.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper to Kayla.

Kayla holds a finger against her lips, the signal for me to stay quiet. Glow Ball wiggles, escaping my grip.

I swipe at Glow Ball, trying to catch him, but Glow Ball dodges me and runs straight toward the big beast.


Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now