Part 13

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Initially, I had not wanted to leave Hydra, claiming that I had to work.

Except when I stepped onto the Firefly, intending to drop off Ava with Tarak and Kayla, only then did I realize Kayla trapped me in another one of her elaborate plans.

Unlike the scourges who thrash their tails and flash their fangs, telegraphing their every thought in advance, humans like Kayla are cunning. Sometimes I think Kayla would make a great spy. She is smart and patient, only revealing her plan when it is too late for unsuspecting victims like me to step away.

Even though Kayla initially tricked me into coming to this far-off world, this is now the only place I want to be: here, flying with Ava. I flap my wings while Ava guides us from her cocoon underneath me. The guide straps flutter around us like ribbons. Sometimes we coast or Ava steers me toward the cliff walls to inspect whatever she finds of interest.

We have been playing these flight games for so long that the light from the blue orb is barely visible over the cliff.

Ava is getting braver. She yanks hard, trying to steer me into the flight patterns I have not done since I was an adolescent.

Should I?

Ava is so excited, laughing and tugging the straps. How could I not indulge her?

So, I fly the way she wants, going straight up into the sky. Then when she tugs, prodding me to fly backward, I follow her prompt until we barrel upside down, flying a wild loop-de-loop. Her laughter turns to giggles. Even the little rahoni in Ava's backpack peeps in excitement.

We fly so many crazy patterns, our laughter fills the sky.

When Ava and I are doing our tenth twirling dive into the canyon, the scent of ozone tickles my nose.

Every Archae Bennuidae past a certain age knows the impending danger my body now senses: electricity is in the air.

Where might the attack come from? No storm clouds are overhead. I grip Ava tighter, vigilantly scanning our environment.

Streaming from the cliffs are hundreds of flying animals. They resemble rahonis in shape but are much larger; the smallest in the flock is the size of Ava and the largest has ten times my wing length.

These flying animals are now on all sides of us.

All my hairs and feathers stand on end. I feel it in my bones; these animals will strike, and it is just a matter of when and how many.

Ava tugs on the guiding straps, trying to steer me toward the cliffs.

If we took such a route, we would hit ten if not more of these animals, risking injury or death.

So, I ignore Ava's tugs and pleas and take control by pulling away all the guide straps. Ava cries out. When we are away from these animals, Ava can steer, but not now.

First, I need to find a way out. So, I make a slow sway to the right. These animals mirror our movement, flying with us and blocking any escape route. Fine. I make a sudden lurch to the left and somehow these animals make the same coordinated movement.

These animals are getting curious about us. One of them darts around me, its snout getting so close to my temple, my skin prickles.

Crackling noises come from the creature, and it suddenly swerves, bumping against my upper arm. It feels like hundreds of needles jab into my shoulder.

I shout, clenching my teeth until finally, the animal releases me.

All around me, the creatures hum in unison, and then the skins of every single one turn crimson red.

On my home planet, many animals signal with red to indicate poison or attack. I scan around us, desperately trying to find a hole so that Ava and I can get away.

That is when part of the flock turns and flies straight at us.

There are so many of them, I don't think I will be able to dodge them for long. I wrap an arm over Ava's head, holding her to my chest, shielding her as much as possible. Even though there are still lots of flying creatures underneath us, we don't have a choice. I hold my wings tight against me and dive downward.

Through the thick cloud of creatures, we dive. Bright luminous sparks of red and orange flash in the air around us.

I dodge most. Until... wings wrap around me and cling to me as I fall, stuck on my backside. Pain sears into my back. My muscles spasm, and I scream. The taste of blood and ash is on my tongue.

My body is helpless, unable to move, while my body hurtles toward the ground.

Something in Ava's cry and her pressing on the undersides of my wings coaxes me to try and seconds before impact, I snap my wings out.

Every part of my body is in pain. Darkness is creeping into my vision.

Stay conscious for Ava. Someone is screaming and then—

Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now