Part 42

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"I can't see," cries Ava.

What has happened to her?

Pay attention to the Hydra fighters. I spin, shooting a volley of laser blasts at a Hydra fighter that has come far too close for my comfort.

Kayla's voice crackles through the speakers. "Ava, did you say you can't see? Can you describe what you experienced for me?"

Ava rapidly breathes in and out. "I was looking at the lightning. One of the flashes was bright and now everything is white. Is this permanent? Am I blind now?"

I can hear the fear in Ava's voice and cradle her head against my chest. She sobs.

"Ava, breathe, and if you can, take slower and deeper breaths," says Kayla.

Tiny puffs of air, Ava's breaths, tickle my chest as Ava struggles to get control of her breathing.

"You are likely experiencing flash blindness," says Kayla.

"What," Ava asks.

Kayla says, "That means it's probably not permanent."

"Probably," whispers Ava. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Rigel, what about you," asks Kayla.

That Hydra fighter is getting too close again. I whirl the turret at the fighter and shoot.

I have one hand on the controls and the other strokes Ava's hair. "My vision was not affected."

"Oh no, we just lost communication with the Phoenix Borealis, I need to work on re-establishing that," says Kayla. "Before I go, Ava, take a deep breath. I suspect you have flash blindness. If it is, your vision should return in the next 30 minutes or less. Signing out."

"Rigel, two Hydra fighters are on the tail of the Phoenix. Take them out," says Tarak.

One of the Hydra fighters veers away from its pursuit of the Phoenix Borealis and is now barreling straight at us, bombarding us with shots. I swivel the turret, firing another volley of laser shots.

"I see the color red. Do you think I'm getting my sight back," Ava asks me.

"Maybe," I croak, rubbing her head and giving her a quick kiss.

Not knowing is what scares me. Maybe her vision is returning, or maybe the redness is bursting blood vessels and she is permanently losing her sight or dying.

I swivel the turret, shooting more laser blasts at the first ship. Finally, we catch a break—the first fighter crashes into the ground and flames and smoke arise from that fallen ship.

The second fighter seems impossible to get. It is too close to the Phoenix Borealis, so I can only look on and hope that the ships will separate and give me a clean shot.

"I see... gray," says Ava.

Maybe she can see because the Phoenix Borealis skids along the ground, and there is a massive plume of gray and black smoke.

"The Phoenix Borealis is on the ground, and... Oh no," shouts Ava.

The Hydra fighter—the one I couldn't take out—has some sort of hook or talon attached to the Phoenix Borealis and it looks like it is dragging the little ship.

Kayla's voice comes through the crackling speakers. "Rigel, the Phoenix Borealis reports that the Hydra fighter is pulling them toward the edge of the 100-foot drop-off. If the ship gets pulled over, people will get hurt. Can you help?"

Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now