Part 6

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Rigel leaves me trapped in a room, alone.

I've always had exceptional hearing, so much that my father has sometimes accused me of lying. Right now, I know scourges are on the other side of the door. I can hear them growling.

Am I in danger?

Rigel and the wall voice have given me their word: scourges will not be allowed into this office.

Can Rigel really make such a promise? What if they overpower him?

Being in a room with only one door leading in and out might mean a scourge could trap me. I need to do more than just wait for scourges to drag me away.

Underneath the large couch I go, pulling a blanket and pillows with me. Around the openings to the area under the couch, I arrange pillows. Maybe it can block out my scent?

This is ridiculous, and I know it. A couch will not stop a scourge. The darkness and the enclosed space make me feel snug and safe, at least briefly, until—

Sweat is on my brow. In my mind's eye, I can see scourges storming into the room, dragging me out, punishing me for running away from Loviatar.

Can't breathe.

"No scourges will be allowed to enter this office," I whisper.

Why is there a scourge so close to the door, then? I can hear him thumping his tail, getting ready to break down the door, and—

"Human, your ventilation rate is too fast. Adjust your breathing, or you may suffer from inadequate oxygen levels," says the wall voice.

Not helpful, wall. I'm the one who can't take in enough air.

I remind myself how Rigel helped me before by getting me to breathe with him. Except Rigel is not here with me now, is he?

Then I remember a time my sister got scared. Even though I told her not to do it, Hannah had snuck a book about a monster into her bed. When she panicked, even though I tried everything, she only calmed down when I got her to focus on what was in her environment.

I can do that for myself. What had I told my sister? List the things you can feel.

There is a big soft pillow I hold against my stomach. There is also a scratchy blanket I rub against my cheek.

My fingers fumble, reaching for my neck.

The old collar had hurt, made of cold metal that cut into my skin. When my fingers flutter against the new one, I sigh. This collar is loose. The outside of the collar feels like it is made from animal hide while the inside is soft, reminding me of Rigel's feathers.

The door makes a whoosh sound.

Who is in here? Rigel promised, he...

I suck in my breath, and I attune myself to the sounds of the room. No heavy metal boots are stomping on the floor and there are no tail slaps, so maybe it is safe?

Just in case, I scrunch myself more within my hiding spot. I should be safe, except the pillow to my hideaway is moving and–

Green eyes gaze at me.

Not just floating eyes, but... my mind puts together what I am seeing.

It's Kayla. She is on her knees, peering at me. "Hi Ava, it's me, Kayla, the other human from the pet park."

Did she think I would forget who she is? Then again, I am the one acting like a toddler, hiding underneath a couch surrounded by a fortress of pillows.

"Do you want to visit? I could go down there. Or do you want to come out here and join me?"

Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now