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Hae-Eun looks like she is having a good time here. I'm so glad I get to have her in my class. She's so so fun to be around. Oh she looked at me. I wave at her and he waved back at me. She quickly looks back to the front. It looks like she giggling at something. Is there something on my face? "Haru. Is there something on my face?" I ask. "No you look so handsome!" Haru says. I look at him with weirdness in my eyes.

Ok. I look at Hae-Eun her hair is so pretty. Her long black wavy hair is just so pretty. Ever since I saw her she's caught my eye. Even though it might've seemed like I didn't like her. I did. Her eyes are like cat eyes. The little sparkling stuff she puts around her eyes and nose is so cute. Her style matches her personality. She definitely knows how to dress her self. She looks like she lived a good privileged life.


Back to Hae-Eun POV*

Class continues. The teacher ends the class, and Alex turns to me. "We have lunch next we should totally sneak out and get some noodles!" She says excitedly. I made a nervous smile. "Umm sure?!" I say nervously excited. She smiles. I grab my backpack and before I could say bye to Jake. She pulls me out the door. I look at Jake, and he is just packing his bags not even looking up. We run in the hall to the exit. We sneak out the exit and now we are free.

"Woah!" I say. The stars in the sky are so beautiful. She pulls me by the hand. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Just follow me." She says. We walk into the forest into this bunker looking place. We go down the ladder. I turn around to see all this food. I run to the food and start stuffing my face. Why do I seem so hungry? I wonder. Thirty minutes later we finish eating.

"Sooo you and Jake?" She asks. I get nervous and my face starts to feel hot. "Yeah but us?" I ask. "Do you like him?" She asks with a teasing smirk. "No." I say quickly. She looks at me with a face. "You sure?" She asks. "Even if I did like him he wouldn't like me." I say disappointed. She looks at me. "Okay." She says. We go back to school. Acting like nothing happened. Alex went to go say hi to her other classmates friends. "Hey!" The voice says.

I look behind and see Jake. "Hi!" I say with a smile. He looks at me with a face. Did I do something wrong? "Is something wrong?" I ask. "It's nothing I'm fine." He says as he turns away from me. I look at with a suspicious face . I walk away and I go to class. As soon as I walk away from Jake. This guy who's tall and has black hair.  I look up to his face and give him a confused look.

"Hi" He says. "Hi?" I say back. I look at him even more confused. "Can I have your number? To be honest you're really pretty and super cute." He says rubbing the back of his head acting shy. I tilt my head at him. "I'll give you my number, but I'm not really looking for a relationship, or maybe you can change that." I say with a smile. I give it to him. As I walk away from him I look back at Jake.

Jake looks upset. My mission is accomplished. I'm going to do anything to catch Jake's attention. I truly want him. He helps me feel safe when I'm around him, and I'm going to try so hard to make him mine. No other girl is having him only me. Even though it may seem I'm obsessed with him I'm not. I'm just protective of what's mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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