~Twenty Four~

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I hear knocking on my door. "Yes!" I yell. The five other boys come in my room, and Jake quickly stands up. I make a confused face. "We think you and Jake should not see each other anymore. Since you're our queen, and hopefully you guys were never dating. So as of today, you guys are just good friends nothing more and nothing less." Heesueng says. "Umm, ok?" I say

"Yes sir." Jake says. I look at him with wide eyes. "Why did you call him sir?" I ask. "He's the oldest of the group. I shrug my shoulders. "We're not dating." I say straightforwardly. "Then why was he in your bed all close to you?" Niki asks. "He was comforting me. I have never had a person sit with me and just listening to me crying. Heesueng never did that for me and were related! Jake is the first to do that, so I care for him a lot." I say emotional.

Everyone faces soften. "I have never had a person care so much for me, so I want to protect that." I say with watery eyes. Heesueng start to cry a little. I stand up and give Heesueng a hug. "I miss you being my brother." I say crying. Why is this getting so emotional. It feels good though. "Hey. I'm going to be your brother that you never had." Heesueng says. He grabs my face and kisses my forehead. I feel safe now.

Everyone comes and gives a group hug. "But really Jake and I are JUST friends. I promise." I say. "Ok whatever you say." Heesueng says. Everyone stops hugging and leaves my room. Jake stays. It looks like he has something to say. "You can take the rest of the week off, and you are sure we're just friends?" He says. "Yeah. Why would we not be friends? You don't like me, do you?" I ask. "Um no, no! I was just asking." He says while scratching the back of his head.

"Ok?" I say with caution. He leaves my room. Honestly this whole thing is a mess. I have no idea what is real what's not. Jake is super nice though. He treats me more then a friend, and he cares so much. His Aussie accent is just so attractive. Especially his smile. Is this what a crush feels like? I hope I'm not falling for him because if I was this whole ENHYPEN thingy is going to get in a mess...but time.

I go downstairs. Heesueng and I greet the boys out of our house. We were thinking of having a REAL party. "You sure? It's not a trick?" I ask. "Yes! It's not a trick." He says with a convincing tone. "Ok! Where? When? Who?" I start asking. "Ok ok. Calm down with the questions. It's here. We're the host, and everyone the whole school." He says. "Here? As of this house?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "Ok!" I say happy.

The day ends and we all asleep. All of a sudden I hear a voice. "Hey! Ha-Eun?" The voice says. It's sound like it's in my head. "Who is this?" I ask not knowing what is happening. "It's Jake." The voice says. "Oh Jake!" I say. I smile to myself. "I just wanted to say goodnight. Goodnight Ha-Eun." Jake says. I blush. "Goodnight to you Jake." I say shyly. After that I fall asleep so fast I don't remember what happened.

The next morning comes. I get ready for school. The old regular routine happens. We get in the car and drive to school. Today feels a little different, but it's fine. Jake and Chae-Won. "He-Eun!" Jake says. "I have something to tell you." Jake says. He pulls my hand leaving Chae-Won by herself looking confused. "I didn't tell you this yesterday, but I tried out for the basketball team...AND I MADE IT!" Jake says all happy with a big smile on his face.

I forgot basketball tryouts were yesterday. Heesueng always try's out for the team and always makes it, so that's probably why he didn't tell me. I was surprised that Jake tries out. "Congratulations! Good job on making it." I say awkwardly. I didn't know what to say since I don't normally celebrate for things. I see Choi Suzy coming are way. I push Jake out of the way. I lift my chin a little to look intimidating and cross my arms.

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