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I stand up. "Hi! My name is Lee Hae-Eun! I hope we can have a great year together!" I say with a big extroverted smile. As I'm about to sit down. "Hae-Eun! Aren't you Lee Heesueng sister?" The girl asks. "Yes he is, and nobody come up to me to asks for information about him. Please and thank you." I say with a smile. All the girls give me the nasty look.

I sat back down. Luckily I was able to sit next to Jake so I wasn't a loner in this class. "Why did you say that?" He asks. "Because then they'll come up to me and ask me questions about him I already have to deal with it at my other school." I said annoyed. I looked around to notice some girls looking at me with the jealous look on their face.

I smiled and waved to them. Then they turned back to the front with an annoyed look. "They jealous of you." He whispers in my ear with a little chuckle at the end. My body gets stiff, and my ears starts to get hot. I look at him with a smirk. Trying to hide the feelings he's giving me. The professor starts to resume his teaching. I start to focus on what's happening while Jake is fiddling with his pencil.

I turn to my right to see Jake, but then I notice that he's asleep. He has his head down with his finger wrapped around my hair. I didn't know he was playing with my hair. "He's so cute." I whisper but then I gasp. Did I just say he's cute?! Don't tell me I'm starting to like him. He is cute though how can anyone deny that. He moves body. He starts to pull on my hair.

I grab his hand removing it from my hair. He opens his eyes. He stares at me. "What are you doing with my hand?" He asks. "I was removing your finger from my hair." I say. "Oh ok. Is it time to go?" He says. I nod. He gets up out of his seat and starts to stretch. I sit there just watching. "Are you coming?" He asks. "Huh? We have another class together?" I ask.

"Yeah we go to different classrooms but we stay with the same people for the whole day of are classes." He says. My jaw drops. He starts laughing. "I have to stay with these girls who don't even like me?!" I say in a loud angry whisper. I sigh and grab my temple. "Ok I'll survive I just got to make them like me. I got this." I say out loud talking to myself. He looks at me then shrugs. We walk to our next class which is ELA.

I'm very good in ELA. I love reading and writing. Even though my style and personality probably won't show that I like reading I still do. We get into class, and I ask the teacher where I could sit. She sits me next to a girl with long straight hair with glasses. I go over to her. "Hi I'm new my name is Hae-Eun. She sat me next to you." I say with a smile. She looks at me. "Oh my gosh hi! I was wondering when I'll be able to meet you. Come sit!" She says.

"By the way my name is Wang Alex!" She says. She so pretty her little stars in her hair are so pretty. She looks like she has a similar style. "I won't ask any question about your brother. To be honest he isn't that good looking. The good looking one is Niki." She says with a smile. She doesn't think by brother is attractive? I like her. "Hope I didn't offend you about your brother." Alex says.

"Girl you don't offend me. I'm actually happy a girl for once doesn't think my brother is attractive." I say. The teacher big is her lesson. I look around for Jake. He sits on the other side of the room one row behind my row. He looks at me then waves. I wave back then look back to the front to take the notes. I smile and my ears start to get hot. I for sure like Jake.

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