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"Do you wanna start working?" I ask. "Sure." He answers. I grab all the thing I need and lay them out. We start working on the project. A few hours pass. "Does this look good?" Jake asks. "Yeah. Just make it look more colorful." I say. I continue cutting pictures of clothes to glue on the poster. This looks good.  I grab all the pictures and grab some glue. "Can I have the poster?" I ask Jake. He looks at me then nods. I grab the poster and start to glue the clothing I cutter out of a magazine.

"Looks good." Jake says in satisfaction. I pick up the poster and look at it. "We're done!" I say excited. "Really?!" Jake say excitedly. I get up and start jumping in excitement. Jake does the same. I grab his hands and we start to jump up and down smiling in excitement. I soon realize that we're holding hands, so I quickly let go. He realizes also. He starts to scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

I look at the time. "Man, it's late!" I say. "What's the time?" Jake asks. "One thirty-seven." I say. "One thirty-seven!!" Jake says in shock. "Yes." I say disappointed. I grab my bag and head to the restroom. I start to change into my pajamas. I take off my makeup and tie my hair into a ponytail. I go outside if the restroom to see Jake not there. I open the door to the hallway. He's not in the hallway either. I look at the door in the dark hallway.

I bet drawn to the energy. I start to walk slowly to the door. I make it without getting caught. I put my hand on the doorknob and open the door quietly. The door leads down to stairs. I suddenly get hungry but not for food something else's. I walk down the creepy stairs until someone touches my hand. I turn around getting out of my trance. "You can't be here." A mysterious voice says.

I can't see their face. Their wearing a black cape with a hood covering their face. "I'm hungry." I say annoyed. I pull my hand out of their hand. The person grabs my other hand and pulls me up the stairs. "Hey! I'm hungry!" I yell. "Be quiet!" The person yelled in a whisper. They push me into Jakes room and locks the door. How can tether person lock door without coming inside the room. There's no lock outside.

All of a sudden, a knock is on the door. I open the door to see Jake standing there. He comes inside and hugs me. "I was worried I didn't know where you were." Jake says. This is weird his voice seems so much like the person except the person had a deeper voice. He lets go. I look at him confused. "What was that?" I ask confused. "It was nothing. Just wanted to check something." Jake said.

I walked away to his bed in suspicion. I jumped on his bed. I went under covers and got comfy. "I guess your sleeping in his bed." Jake said with a smile. "Not like that. I just want to be comfy when I'm sleeping." I said cutely. He laughed then went under the covers. I grabbed some pillows and placed them between us, so we won't touch each other. I lay down and snuggle into my pillow.  This feels nice I like this.

I close my eyes and fall asleep. All of a sudden, I start to get a dream about Heesueng, Jake, and Niki, but then there's four other boys. Jake has fangs like a vampire, and the rest of the boys do also. We're in place where there's moonlight. I look at the boys to see them looking like a prince. I look at Jake. He stares at me, and we make eye contact for a good fifteen seconds. Then he breaks the eye contact.

I look at Heesueng to have a shocked look on his face, but this dream seems to feel to real. I look what I'm wearing to be a white dress all the way to my ankles with a crystal clown. "What am I doing here?" I ask myself out loud. I wake myself up from the dream that felt to real to be a dream. I open my eyes. I look out the window to the sky still being dark. I feel hot and clammy. I touch my head to be sweating.

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