Personal performer

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Dokyeom and I sat at the breakfast table, enjoying our meal together. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and the morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on us.

"So, how's your schedule looking for the week?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

Dokyeom sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's pretty packed, to be honest. We have rehearsals, promotion shoots, and meetings almost every day."

I nodded in understanding. "It must be tough with such a busy schedule."

"Yeah, it can get overwhelming at times, but it's also exciting," Dokyeom replied with a smile.

We kept talking to each other as we finished our breakfast and did the dishes together then sat on the couch and turned on the TV to watch something. Dokyeom suggested to me a few stages of SEVENTEEN to watch. As he opened youtube and opened the search tab, he burst out laughing and I widened my eyes in surprise and jumped up from my place to grab the remote.

"Hya! What is this?" he asked, laughing as he saw the list of Going Seventeen in my search history. He rolled back on the couch laughing hard as the list kept going on.

"Stop it! Give that remote to me" I cried out of embarrassment and tried to take the remote back.

Dokyeom's laughter filled the room as I attempted to wrestle the remote away from him, my embarrassment growing by the second. He teasingly asked, "Just how many did you watch?"

"I just wanted to get to know you guys well," I admitted, still trying to reach for the remote, even if it meant a potentially endless cycle of embarrassment. My cheeks were now a deep shade of red, and I was starting to regret my curiosity.

But just as I was about to grab the remote from his hands, my attempt backfired. I stumbled on the edge of the couch and landed beside him. It was a soft landing, thanks to his quick reflexes as he placed a hand on my body to keep me from falling.

"Careful there," he said with a warm smile, his hand still resting gently on my side. The laughter that had filled the room now shifted to a more tender and intimate moment between us.

I covered my face with my hands, still embarrassed and heard him chuckle softly. "I am so embarrassed right now." I said my voice muffled due to hands covering my face and mouth. He moved my hands away from my face and looked at me.

"That was cute, and I didn't know you were such a superfan." He said and I swatted his arm lightly

"Please forget what just happened" I pleaded and he turned on the performance he wanted to show me earlier.

He scooted close to me and put his arm around my shoulders gently, "Hannie, I'm never forgetting that, but I will not bring it up, if you don't bring up the green room videos." He said with a straight face, but with a mischevies tone to his voice.

I tilted my head and feigned innocence. "What green room videos?" I asked, my eyes wide and innocent.

Dokyeom's expression quickly shifted to shock. "I haven't watched any green room videos, what are those?" I continued to play along, pointing at his side.

"Aniya, aniya, aniya, aniya, I was speaking nonsense," he stammered, realising his slip.

"Liar, what are those videos?" I insisted, poking his side.

With a resigned sigh, he finally relented. "Look! This was a bit after our debut era," he told me, pointing towards the screen and changing the subject.

As Dokyeom shared stories and anecdotes about his time with SEVENTEEN, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and admiration for his journey as an artist.

Forelsket  {Dokyeom, DK ff}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz