I spotted a bit of sadness when she mentioned the last part... like there was something she wanted to share with me.

Mon: Sarai, was there something that Miss Nita told you that made you sad?

She nodded her head yes, and my blood started boiling... Sarai stayed silent!

Mon: Do you want to share with MonMon?

Sarai: I like Auntie Nita but I don't want her to date Mama!


Mon: What do you mean sweetheart, Nita is not dating your Mama!

I was sweating...

Sarai: Yet, but she said that she thinks that Mama and her will end up together and that she will live with us; and that maybe I could call her Mom one day, but I don't want that!

This was crazy! Nita is crazy for sure.

Mon: I don't think that will ever happen, Sarai! Your mom doesn't seem to be responding to whatever feeling Ms. Nita has; So don't worry about it!

I would have to have another serious talk with Sam because this was insane.

Sarai: I hope not!

She sighed. She looked worried, even after my speech!

Mon: What else is bothering you, sweetie?

Sarai: I told her that me and Mama don't need anyone else because we got you and she said that soon enough you will leave us and go create your own family, have your kids.

OMG?! My blood was boiling!

Sarai: She said you already have one daughter and that you gave it away, so it will be easy to leave me since I'm just another child you're babysitting...


Sarai: Is that true Mon, you gave your daughter away?

Tears started falling down my face.

I officially hate Nita!

Sarai: Mon why are you crying? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. I won't believe Auntie Nita this time.

Mon: it's not your fault Sasai, I-I will talk with you in person okay?

She nodded her head!

Mon: I-I... erm... I will have to make a call now so I will talk to you later, is that okay?

Sarai: Please don't be sad Mon, I will believe you only!

I nodded and whipped my face and gave her a weak smile.

Mon: I know! I will talk to you soon, okay?

She waved goodbye and I ended the video call right after!

Nita was evil!

Why would she say something like that to a child?

No, most important how does she know about this?

This is my private life!

I took a deep breath and took my phone dialing Sam!

She didn't answer... I tried a few times but no answer!

I was so mad!

And Sam not answering the phone was making it worse!

Why was she not answering my phone?

I got up and started grabbing my bag and went packing!

I should talk with Sam, face to face!


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