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There she goes again, talking like that.

Victoria used to think of Claudia as a gentle and sweet person because of how generous and modest she was in public.

But this was the second time she said something like this after her recent return to the country.

The first time was about Alaric, and now it was about the house's servants.

What appeared to be gratitude was actually her staking her claim.

But the reality was Claudia had no right over either Alaric or the servants.

It would be reasonable for her to say these words now if she and Alaric were lovers before.

But they were never even together, Victoria thought. So, what gives her the
right to talk to me this way?

What's more, if they were a couple back then, Victoria wouldn't have agreed to this fake marriage no matter how much she liked Alaric.

However, Claudia did help her before.
And so, Victoria could only bite her lip to calm herself down while she repressed the discomfort in her chest.

She only let out a small smile without saying anything.

Her lack of discomfort, or even reaction, was as frustrating as pouring water into a leaking bowl for Claudia.

However, Claudia knew that she couldn't delay this any longer. "Shall We talk in the mini garden?" she asked with a smile.

It was probably due to how Victoria completely ignored Claudia's friend before that made Claudia panic.

So, after she finished speaking, she
lowered her voice and added, "Walls have ears. Let's not talk here."

"Okay." Victoria nodded and stood up to walk outside.

If possible, she didn't want to waste even one minute talking to Claudia.

However, "favor" was probably the hardest thing to return to someone. When they reached the mini garden, Victoria led Claudia to a remote and secluded area.

Claudia finally felt more relaxed after she took a look around. Talking here shouldn't be a problem.

"No one will eavesdrop on our conversation here, right?"

Victoria came to a short pause before she shook her head. "The servants rarely come here. The gardener usually comes in the morning to water and maintain the plants."

Victoria came to a short pause before she shook her head. "The servants rarely come here. The gardener usually comes in the morning to water and maintain the plants." It was almost afternoon now.

"Good," Claudia sighed, relieved. She then flashed Victoria a friendly smile as she took out an envelope from her pocket and handed it to Victoria.

"This is for you," she said.

Victoria only took a glance without accepting it.

Seeing her standing there without moving, Claudia took a step forward and placed the envelope in Victoria's palm.

It was a thin envelope that Victoria had a feeling she knew what was inside.

With her fingertips pinching the envelope, she felt her heart continue to

The corners of her lips pulled into a smile as she looked at Claudia. "What is the meaning of this?"

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