Carter groaned and rolled his eyes at me. 'I hate it when you call it that. It's called a cut. Not freshen up. Goddess, you're so white sometimes.' 

"I'm not that white."

'You're 75% white, that is very white.' He chuckled softly and he leaned over closer to me. I don't even think he noticed he was doing it. But I did.

"Well, you 50% too." I reminded him and he gave me a look of disgust and I laughed at him.

'Please, don't remind me. I refuse to acknowledge it.' He was now leaning across the middle console and our arms were pressed up against each other. The action is innocent but my dick does not agree.

'Plus, I look like a full black man. I don't think that part matters much.' He shrugged lightly. I felt the air starting to get warm around us, and I hated that it meant our conversation was coming to an end. Knowing I wouldn't be able to see Carter's sign.

"All of your parts matter to me." I didn't mean to sound sappy or make it sound so intense but as I looked at Carter and I saw his eyes fill with adoration towards me, I decided I did mean it. 

My eyes flickered from his to his lips and my dick twitched. Urging me forward and to press against them. They were right there. So close. But was Carter ready for that? Was I ready for that? To step into that side of our relationship when we just became something, something good?

I don't know.

'We should go before we are late.' Carter signed pulling me from his lips which I was grateful for. Plus I wouldn't want our first kiss in the car anyway. I wanted it to be somewhere special.

I slowly sat up and Carter leaned back over into his seat. Once I started driving, Carter leaned his hand over to grab mine and interlock our fingers. We rode in comfortable silence and nothing but the soft hum of the car rested on us. It was peaceful. It was perfect.

I got to the shop and I was thankful that I called and made an appointment because the parking lot was full and the inside was fuller. They started working on us at the same time and they had us sit across from each other. But what I didn't expect was that watching Carter get a haircut would give me the biggest boner.

It was the way his head hung to the side and muscles and veins were straining against the skin. Then that overwhelming thought came back, of what he would taste like there. But now as I watched new questions filled my mind.

Where did he like to be touched? What words could I say that would leave him begging for me? Did he look at me and wonder the same thing?

We made eye contact and he smiled at me, but only for a moment before he raised an eyebrow at me and there was concern in his eyes.

'Are you okay?' He signed, moving his hand from underneath the apron.

'Yeah, I'm good.' I'd never been more thankful for sign language than I am now. I'm sure that if I were to speak my voice would come out choked and raw.

'Then why are you looking at me like that?' I debated lying. Telling him I was just in deep thought and I meant nothing about it. But I was feeling bold now. I had no idea where this confidence came from but I wanted to see how he would react to it. 

'How am I looking at you?' I kept my gaze firm on him, unwavering. I needed him to know that I was serious before I told him.

'Like you want to beat me up.' I chuckled softly knowing he was partly right. I did want to beat him up, just not in the way he was thinking.

'No, I don't want to do that.'

'Then what is it? You're worrying me. Do we need to leave?' My heart warmed at the notion. At the feeling of him worrying for me, and trusting me. Trusting that if I sensed something wrong, I'd done it. He'd just follow my lead. 

Carter's SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now