The End

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Before I knew it the company dinner was happening. I was running around like a chicken with no head...something like that. My dress felt too tight for comfort and I was exhausted to no end. Meanwhile my newly acquired boyfriend was all smiles with the guests. Which made me smile.

"Is this where I sign in?" The familiar voice made it feel like my heart had stopped beating. Slowly I turned around to look into those familiar green eyes.

"Uh...yeah." That was about all I could muster myself to say. I didn't know why the hell this man still had that effect on me. When he obviously wanted nothing to do with me. Something I had no idea why. Maybe one day I would be able to ask him.

He walked past me and greeted the two women at the table, bending down to sign his name and take a name tag. He pressed it against his suit jacket and his gaze fell upon me again. There were a few beats of silence between us and I finally spoke up.

"So, I heard you requested to be moved to San Francisco?"

"Yeah. I have a home out there and my mom is now there too. Plus, I have full custody of Heidi so I need all the help I can get." His gaze fell upon the carpeted floor.

I was hoping he felt ashamed for leaving me out of the loop, like I had never been important to him. "Well, that's great! I'm happy for you. I know you wanted Heidi full time." I swallowed the knot in my throat and couldn't help it. I quickly excused myself and fast paced down the hallway.

Muffling my cry with my hand I let the tears fall. It was horrible how he'd learned to talk to me like I was just another person, like what we'd been through was nothing. It was annoying how emotional I was feeling tonight. A wave of nausea swept over me and I pushed my way into the nearest bathroom.

A few minutes later I joined the rest of the group at the reception. People were still mingling around the bar and some were now dancing up a storm on the dance floor. Nick stood from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips made contact with my neck.

"Are you having fun?" He whispered into my ear.

I smiled, feeling the tickle of his hot breath on my neck, "Only a little. I'm not feeling too well." I turned to look at him and his eyes widened. "What is it?"

"You look awfully pale. I think I should take you back up to the room." He let go of my waist and took my hand. "Come on, everything is perfect tonight and the ladies can take care of the rest."

"Nick, you stay here. I will go up to the room, ok?"

"I can't let you go alone! Oh second." He walked away and Sam watched in horror as he approached Kevin and they talked for a few minutes and then they both approached her. "Ok, so Kevin will take you to our room. I will be up really soon. I promise." He gave me a tender kiss and off he went to talk to someone. 

I turned around trying to ignore the fact that, out of all the damn people at the dinner he'd chosen, none other than Kevin. The walk through the hall was really quiet. 

"So, you and Nick huh?" Kevin muttered as we got into the elevator. 

I shrugged, "He's helped me through my hard times. So yeah..."

He let out a small laugh, "Makes sense...he's a good rich guy."

"Ok! I can't do this anymore...I can't ignore the fact that you are a serious douche bag."

"What?" He smiled, confused.

I came to a halt placing a hand on my hip and pointing a finger in his face. "You, walking around here, acting like nothing ever happened between us. Asking for a fucking relocation? Ghosting me? Did I mean anything to you?"

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Of course you did. It's just that now we are both in different places in our lives, Sam. I don't think that you can handle all the stuff I'm going will get complicated." His tone got soft, "It's always been complicated. I don't know how to raise a baby on my own and work eighteen hours a day. Loving you would be extra work."

She let out a hurt-filled laugh. "Wow! Extra work...loving is supposed to come easy Kevin."

"Nothing is ever easy! Plus, you seem to be doing just fine now. Nick is a great guy and the reason I stay clear and pretend like nothing has ever because he constantly talks about the girl he's madly in love with. The girl he wants to make a family with. This is your chance to be happy and I don't want to fuck it up for you."

"That's not fair."

He frowned and the sadness was aparent in his eyes. "Nothing in my life is fair...but I'm trying. Can you just understand me?"

It was the first time I'd actually seen sincerity in his eyes. I should have left it there. Shut my mouth and not ask anymore questions, because the truth was that I was more angry with him, than still in-love. 

My heart belonged to Nick now, I was sure of it. I just needed closure.

"Did you ever love me?" I sounded like a pathetic nuisance.

Kevin smiled and caressed the side of my cheek. "Of course. I've always loved you, it's just circumstances that messed it all up. I want you to be happy. Can you be happy?"

The tears didn't warn me, they just fell. Sliding slowly down my cheeks while the guy who had held my heart in his hands told me goodbye for the last time. I swiped at the tears and hugged him tight; taking in the familiar masculine scent.

"Will you be happy?" I whispered into his ear.

We parted from our embrace and he kissed my cheek. He shook his head and gave me a smile. "I have Heidi now. I know that you are going to be very loved by Nick...Yes, I'm happy now."

I hugged him tight one more time as the elevator opened. We walked quietly towards the room, he struggled to open the door. I could feel myself getting dizzy and nauseous. Then I remember falling into the familiar arms. 

The next day I woke up feeling really sick and sad. I remember bursting into tears throughout the day. My feelings weren't the same for him, but it still had a great effect on me somehow.

"Hey passed out last night. The doctor came." He placed a cold towel on my forehead and smiled. 

I smiled back at him, "Thank you...I am sorry for ruining your night. How was it?"

He smiled and placed his hands on mine. "It was a success. I did come up after Kevin told me that you had fainted."

"OH...I'm sorry. I must've caught a bug...or something." I nasty bug, cause I was still feeling really sick. 

"Nick smiled, "Sam...I love you."

"What?" I grinned. "Nick..."

"I know, you probably aren't ready to say it and I understand. I just wanted to let you know that I do love you. That I think we are going to be just fine together."

I was a little nervous because he was being very emotional and it wasn't like Nick. "Is everything ok? Am I dying?"

He laughed wholeheartedly, "Not at all...Sam we are having a baby."

"We? I'm pregnant? Really?"

He hugged me so tight and I hugged him back. My butterflies fluttering in my stomach like crazy. I smiled realizing that I had everything a girl could ask for. A good job, the perfect man, a great family and a baby on the way.

I was happy! 

I could say that my life was complete now.

I could say that my life was complete now

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