Balloon POP

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A while later, I had Nick standing at the doorway with a wide grin on his face. "He's in. We are expanding the company Sam." he smiled satisfactorily.

"Expanding?" I questioned.

"Yeah he requested that if he works for me I will send him to San Francisco and that is what I will do."

The tears returned and I just swallowed hard, so hard it hurt. "That's great!" I exclaimed with my phony enthusiasm. "He asked for it?" I questioned again, I couldn't believe that he had found me again and all he wanted was to get away.

"Yeah he has problems and says that his mother has moved out there and will be able to help him with Heidi who is all his now!" Nick smiled wide for his friends' accomplishments. He must have noticed my uneasiness. "Are you ok?" he asked me, walking over and taking a seat on my desk, a tendency he had since I had started.

"Oh I'm fine really. I'm just really nervous about the baby shower tonight and the company dinner coming up. I want them to be perfect." I smiled, playing off the thoughts that were crowding my mind, uninvited. "So when is he leaving out there?" I asked, trying to sound professional instead of some hurt ex-girlfriend.

"Oh not until after the dinner, he wants to meet everyone he is going to be working with. Speaking of dinner. Would you like to come with me?" he smiled that beautiful, tempting smile.

"Uh..." I hesitated for a second "Yeah sure, that would be nice. Thanks!" I leaned back in my chair and watched as the new man in my life walked back to his office. At this point, whether I wanted it or not he would be just that, the new man in life.

That evening I wore a comfortable green wrap-around dress. I knew Nick was coming and I had to look the part. We'd decided that the bakery had more room to do the baby shower.

Tables with pink tablecloths littered the room, lots of chairs, a table with food and lots of pink presents. I smiled watching my sister yapping away about what she was going to name the baby girl that was due in less than two months. After the name debate we began the games, laughter, chit chat and friendly bickering went on deciding who had won.

There was a knock at the glass door and I excused myself from the group, my dad, Rob and two other friends sat at a table chugging Millers. When I opened the door there he stood in his dark blue jeans, a white polo shirt, some Nike sneakers, and his hair spiked up. His blue eyes lit up as they met with mine.

"Hey beautiful..." he complimented, making me blush and he bent down to kiss my cheek.

"Thanks...come in, you can meet my father. He's dying to know who is the guy I was kissing in front of the bakery the other day...oh my god did you buy a store..." I looked behind him. There were two large boxes, three bags and he had the tiniest box in his hands.

"Uh...I don't know about babies. So I thought I would bring a little of mom's suggestion. This is for your sister." he handed me the small box as we both carried the gifts to the gift table.

"Good Evening!" He waved, not a discomfort on his face. I smiled as he easily sat at the table with all the guys and started a conversation.

I couldn't believe that I had spent months full of sadness, regret and anger. All I found myself thinking about was Kevin. What was he doing? WHO was he doing? How was Heidi?

Tonight I was laughing, drinking, talking away and watching my sisters go goo goo ga ga over little people's clothes.

Nick was so smart and interesting, he had traveled all over the place with his company and had money pouring out of his ears, however he was interested in me and my simple family. My dad and sisters loved him, they made him feel at home, by offering him all kinds of food and drinks. He had even made Shelly cry with the small necklace he had given her with an angel pendant.

We had him play, guess the baby poop, where the diapers had different types of chocolate and you had to guess what kind it was. He definitely lost! He played bottle chugging, which he actually won and we'd ended the night playing pop the balloon, where we used any means of our body to pop the balloon amongst each other, it left us in odd poses since he was my partner and we'd definitely won that game.

At the end of the night I walked him out to his car, I stood on the last step "Thanks so much for coming and the're actually really sweet." I smiled.

He walked up to me and placed his hands on my hips. "Come with me..." he whispered, planting one small kiss on my mouth.

I was tempted. What could I lose? I had done it once, why not again. Maybe this time I would actually remember it. Kevin didn't want me anymore, he actually wanted to be far away from me. Why was I even thinking of him at such a time.

"Ok..." I said taking his hand and both jumping into the car.

"Thanks for inviting me tonight. I had a lot of fun with your family!" He got close to me.

Butterflies fluttered about in my stomach as I felt his lips brush against my cheek and down to my jaw.

"You're welcome...they seemed to really like you." I breathed in as I felt his tongue flick at my earlobe.

"You know what I really liked?" I groaned and he took that as an answer, "The balloon pop...I'd like to play again...but we have no balloons!"

I snickered, "You are a naughty man, Carter!"

He took hold of the tie on my dress and pulled it, leaving me half exposed. "I know..." he breathed, finally engulfing my mouth with his. He picked me up as if I didn't weigh anything and carried me to his room.

Around midnight I woke in the arms of the handsome blonde. I smiled, definitely remembering the earlier events this time. I could get accustomed to this man, he was sweet, rich, a hard worker, not to mention blonde, blue eyed and he had no kids. Yeah, I could get used to this. I kissed his cheek and sunk back into my spot, his arm wrapping around me.

I smiled, happiness filling me for once.

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