My Date

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That evening I got ready, and to tell you the truth I didn't have a date, but I thought maybe just letting him know that he wasn't the only man interested in me, would make him jealous and make me feel less lousy.

We collided at the door, he walked in and looked up at me from head to toe. I blushed, because I was checking him out too, he was looking good as always. He wore black jeans, with a tight black shirt and some boots.

"Headed out to your date?" He asked me with a smile as he stood at the door.

I smiled and began to walk "Yes I am...see you later" I continued my walk down the hallway and out the door. I shivered, the night was breezy.

Damn it now what do I do?

After I walked around the block, I gave up and headed towards the house, my body shivering uncontrollably, I slowly made my way into the apartment, everyone had finished up dinner and were sitting at the couch for a movie. They all turned surprised to see me at the door.

"Oh honey don't tell me they stood you up?" my dad gave me the sympathetic look, I giggled deep inside at how dumb I was acting.

"Yeah dad, he never showed. I guess all men are idiots, except for you dad!" I gave Kevin a look. "I'm going to my room." I began my way down the hall.

"Wait Sam..." My dad said as he looked at Kevin and then me "You can't waste that nice outfit and your make up on going to sleep. How about you and Kevin take a walk on Hollywood boulevard. Don't get any ideas Kevin." I heard him say, as I cringed.

"Oh don't worry sir. I promise to be on my best behavior. So what do you say Sam?" Kevin asked with a serious tone.

I sighed heavily, I knew that the famous talk would be tonight. I slowly turned around and headed back into the living room. "Ok...fine...but I'm going because my dad is going to insist and..." before I could finish he had pulled me out of the apartment and we were walking down the stairs.

"So where to?" he asked with a grin on his face, as he opened the door for me.

I glared at him "Don't think for a second that this is a date...I'm just going because..." he was staring at me with those beautiful green eyes. I felt a smile forming at the corner of my lips, but I internally slapped myself. "Um...Have you been to the Observatory?" I groaned.

"No, but I would love to go with you." he smiled, I couldn't help it I smiled back at him.

We were off to the Observatory, my stomach doing somersaults, afraid and nervous about what was to come. He parked and we stepped out of the car, luckily I had grabbed a sweater on the way. I waited for him and we walked up to the crowded place together.

"So you come here a lot?" he asked as he leaned over the railing "Wow this place is beautiful" he looked out into the distance.

"Well we used to come up here with my dad...but then they closed it down and they just finished fixing it up. The view is amazing." We looked at each other for a second and I looked away.

"California is huge huh? I remember when I lived here it was so busy all the time, everyone was so grumpy and everything was just work...and work." he turned to look at me.

I continued to look out to the city "Well for some of us it hasn't changed a bit...all work. Especially for my dad, who has to raise three girls alone."

"Yeah your dad, he's a good and strong man. I see where you get it!" he now leaned against the railing, his arms crossed over his chest staring at me.

"He is...ever since my mother decided to give up on us. Maybe we were just too much to handle." I sighed, the thought of my mother didn't saden me, it was the thought of my father having to deal with everything on his own, that made me sad.

"You know some people aren't so good at dealing with things."

"Yeah like rather hurt someone than just be honest." I said it, damn it. I didn't want to start that conversation.

"Is that what you think? I wasn't the one holding back. You were, you are!" He grabbed my hand "That was the best summer since I had moved there. You made me laugh and those nights that we..."

I blushed and looked away. "Please don't talk about that. You know, thinking about it, my dad would kill you if he knew you were the person I was..."

He chuckled "Gloomy for...that's nice to hear. Listen I know that what you saw that night was bad, but it wasn't me...she was used to me being there every summer, like an idiot. I'll admit at some point in time I felt something for her, but nothing like what I felt...feel for you."

I didn't want to talk about it anymore, I had cried enough nights about the whole dilemma and if I wanted things to work. I didn't want to duel in the past. Deep down I was happy that I had him here with me. "Come on...let's check out the rest of the's new!" I grabbed his hand and we made our way up the stairs.

We looked at the stars from different angles, slipped coins in the telescopes to get a better view of the city. We went through every little exhibit inside, laughing and goofing around as if nothing had happened.

Finally we took a break at the new coffee shop. The place was crowded so we grabbed our coffee and headed outside to sit on a bench. Kevin took a sip of his hot coffee, and whispered "Nothing like your dad's coffee" he smiled.

I took a sip "Yeah your right" we both giggled as we watched the steam from our coffee drift into the air.

After our small coffee break we headed back to the car, walking slowly just talking. Of what? I don't remember. I had been too busy watching his lips move and gazing into his eyes, most of the time I was half listening.

I walked next to him, looking around at the new Observatory, the place was pretty much the same, just much more beautiful, grassy and it was nicely lit up and it had many new things to explore.

Kevin suddenly came to a halt and turned to look at me. We stood in the middle of the place, people coming and going. "I'm glad that you came with me, I was hoping you would. I know that it's going to take time, but I'm going to stay here as long as I have to, Sam." he took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze as we stood face to face.

His eyes were boring into mine, "That might take a while." I pulled my hand away and continued my path to the car, Kevin lagging behind.

He opened the door for me and I slid into my seat as he hopped into his, and without another word, we headed back home.

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