The Party

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The night of the party was here, Heather and I blew up balloons as we gave looks to each other "You didn't sleep in your bed?" I found it funny how this teenager acted like a grown woman.

"Ok...I stayed with..." I began to say...

But she interrupted me with a laugh "Kevin..."

Her mother came waltzing from the kitchen "Did you say guys have really kept that man from doing all the things he needs this is a vacation for us, but it's his everyday life."

We both nodded a little confused, we had been here for almost three weeks and she was barely bringing this up. Heather laughed, "Mom we have been here for almost three weeks...I can swear that sometimes you make no sense at all." Ellen glared at her.

I'm pretty sure that Heather, Mat and I were the ones who had set up this party. Finally the house was decorated and everything was all set for the big bash.

We all headed upstairs to get ready.

"So what's going to happen with you and Kevin once we leave?" Mat asked as he fixed his shirt.

"You guys sometimes act like you're in your thirties...I don't know's going to be over I guess."

Heather turned to look at me. "Just like that...Mat and I didn't work this hard for a summer love." Mat agreed with a nod.

I dozed off in thought "I don't know guys...wait didn't you say for it to be at least a summer hook up?"

"Yes...but he looks at you differently. Not like when he was with...I mean...I think he really cares about you." Heather became nervous as she exchanged looks with Mat, but I ignored them.

Later that evening Heather and I walked around the crowded house "God mom should have set a dress code, if you know what I mean" They stared at Amanda who wore a mini skirt and a tube top, everyone else wore summer dresses or shorts.

Heather stood a little confused as she looked at who was in the doorway "Hi there!" The tall blonde waved and looked at me cautiously.

"I'm glad that you could make it Mike?" Heather smiled and took his hand in hers.

Mike stuttered nervously "Well thanks for inviting me..."

I smiled and gave them a nod, "Go on and have fun. Don't do anything crazy!"

Happily she pulled him out to the beach.

A pair of hands covered my eyes "Guess who?" but without an answer I turned around and kissed the person and he returned the kiss.

I was happy to see him "Hey I was waiting for you...did Mike tell you he was coming?" I asked.

Kevin nodded confused "Nope, haven't talked to him since the other night."

I shrugged "Oh well he's here...over there..." We stared at the couple sitting on a bench near the beach, they were engaged in a very amusing conversation.

Kevin turned to look at me, but his gaze was looking past me. He looked surprised and annoyed at the same time. Before I could ask him anything, Amanda was right next to him.

"Hey there sexy!" She hugged him and he hugged her back.

He seemed bothered by her presence "Hey I thought you weren't coming this summer?" he asked, clenching his jawline.

"Well I couldn't miss my sister's party. Especially if you were going to be here..." She turned to look at me and gave me a once over, "So you two an item now?" she looked at me again and then looked up at him.

Kevin paused as he met my eyes "Uh...well...we..." he stuttered and nothing came out of his mouth.

My stomach felt full of butterflies, but this time they weren't fluttering around. I grinned and excused myself heading out to the beach. I swallowed the knot in my throat and let the air dry out the tears that were threatening to spill. I was so angry at myself at that very moment. Hadn't I told myself that I would never fall for someone again, yet here I was feeling that familiar pain in my chest.

Kevin was right behind me "Stop...wait!"

I swiftly glanced back and watched Amanda grab his arm, "Oh come on Kevin she is just a kid, she can't do or give you what I did. What happens when she leaves...nothing." I heard her say, I felt like walking back and giving her a piece of my mind.

I could still hear them in the distance as I took a seat in the sand "Sam is nothing like you...and that is good...why did you even come back...fuck the party...why?" his voice was louder now, he probably would of popped her one, if she wasn't such a fine lady.

"Oh come on Kevin you're still hurt about that incident, I told you it was an accident and well it just happened." She tried grabbing his shirt, but he pulled away.

"Just fuck off Amanda..." I could hear him making his way towards me.

Amanda stood in the doorway with a drink in hand as she yelled "You'll come back always do!"

He sat next to me as I stared out to the beach, not paying attention to his presence. "Would you say something?" He placed his hand on my knee.

"ASSHOLE!" I exclaimed out angrily as I removed his hand.

"Ok...I deserve that I don't understand ok." he now turned my face around with his hand "Listen to me."

I was so angry a tear escaped my eye, I was mortified I didn't want to show him that I was so hurt by his actions. "You didn't even know what to say...shit you didn't even say anything..."

He wiped the rolling tear from my cheek.

"Sam...I didn't mean to hurt's just that Amanda and I have a past and it's not pretty and every time I see her it just...I just get angry...I hate her!" he looked into my eyes, but I looked away.

"I'm sorry Kevin, maybe I'm just over reacting you know...I mean what is this anyway it's just a summer fling...after this I will probably never see you again and our lives will go back to normal. We only have four more days to go, maybe it should just end now, so it won't be so hard then." I didn't mean to say that, but those were my feelings at the time.

I stood up and he stood in front of me "Don't do this...why do you keep saying that. I love spending time with you. I don't want you to go...I don't want you to be mad at me."

"It's too I said it's easier to end it now...IT'S OVER!" I began to walk away and I couldn't hold back the tears, I could hear him calling my name in the distance, but I didn't stop.

I walked right past the crowd, up the stairs and into the bedroom and laid down.

When I woke up it was dark, Heather was fast asleep and Mat was passed out on the floor like a drunk. I looked out the balcony, I could see the light on at Kevin's, I had been feeling guilty. It could be I was just being a brat.

Just do it, go over there and apologize. I took a deep breath and headed towards the house. As I made my way through the patio, I noticed the door open and heard a couple of voices.

"Kevin" I muttered as I made my way through the living room, there he was leaning against the kitchen counter, no shirt, just his pants on with Amanda pressed against him, their lips locked.

"I see how much you hate her." I felt my heart break into many pieces as his green eyes locked with mine.

"Oh shit!" he pushed Amanda away and ran towards me, but I had started down his deck stairs, "Sam...please...stop!" he managed to grab my arm. "Sam!"

As soon as I turned to face him I let him have a hand on the cheek and I would have given him a couple of more, but my body was weak with disappointment.

"Trust you huh?"

"Nothing's not what you think!" he tried getting a grip of me, but I wiggled away.

I was now in tears, just thinking that I had given into my emotions, I had let my guard down. "Just go back inside and finish what you started Kevin" I elbowed him to let me go and I ran back into the house. I locked myself in the bathroom to cry without being heard.

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