Mad Boss

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Monday morning I made my way to the third floor of Carter's Engineering, ashamed of myself and feeling nauseous for being so vulnerable. The rest of the weekend had gone smooth, spending Sunday at the beach with my totally pregnant sister and her soon to be husband.

Quietly I walked down the hall, trying to ignore everyone around me anxious to get to my desk and hide the rest of the day. To my dismay that was no luck, right away I had Nick standing over me. 

"Hey there, I thought you might not come in today!" he grinned sheepishly.

"Of course, sleeping with the boss won't keep me away from my duties" I whispered angrily.

He nodded his head "Right, man I never would have guessed that you were this hostile. What did he do to you?" he questioned, now standing next to me.

I stood astonished at his question. He knows about Kevin? "He who?" I grunted standing face to face with the handsome blonde.

"The guy that made you so touchy. Hmmm...let me guess he broke your heart." he pretended to pout.

I walked away, Nick trailing behind me. Why was he following me? In fact I just wanted him to leave me alone. He was mocking me, I felt the tears pricking my eyes. Picking up the pot of coffee and pouring some in a foam cup I turned. 

"Please Nick, don't do this here ok. I really don't want to talk about it."

Throwing his hands up, he snapped at me and walked away. "Fine, I'll leave you alone, so you can continue to sink in your sorrow." 

I scoffed as I watched him disappear into his office. Wiping my face with both hands and gaining my composure I walked out. Many eyes on me as I walked back to my office, which was right across from his.

Truthfully, I just wanted to go home and wallow in my pain. Sleeping with Nick had only done me harm, at least that was how I saw it. I bit my nails as I thought of the whole dilemma, and stared at the phone waiting for Kevin's call.

The ringing of the phone made me jump and let out a faint yelp, laughing at my jumpiness I took the phone in hand "Carter Engineering this is Sam. How can I help you?" I waited as there was a short pause on the line.

"Yeah it's Mrs. the way you answer the phone. It's remarkable. I need you to give Nick a message. I'm in a hurry" there was another pause of silence.

I was busy whacking my head with the phone a couple of times. I didn't want to see him again, at least not today. I finally answered. "Yes Mrs. Carter..."

"Oh child you're a little spaced out today. Tell him that I need..." she went on about having problems at a location somewhere in San Francisco, that she needed some extra workers immediately and she hung up without a goodbye.

I stood up, trying to remember all that she said, slowly walking across the hall towards Nick's office. Standing at the door I practiced in my head how I would start. A while ago I had been a total bitch and now I was going to crawl in there like a tamed lion. Knocking softly I poked my head in "Nick" I almost whispered.

Not looking up and continuing to inspect the layouts on his desk he spoke uninterestedly "What do you need Sam?"

I could tell he was mad at me, clearing my throat and twiddling my fingers. I walked up to his desk, finally his blue eyes met mine again. "Your mother called, she said the job is too big for the couple of workers that she took with her. If you could...please send her a couple more." I waited for his response.

"That's fine, I'll take care of it. Thanks for the personal message." he faked a smile and opened his drawer, taking out a book of the names of his workers.

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