The Kiss

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As the days went by we hung out with Kevin more and more.

We even attended his evening shows on the promenade, the way he looked at me when he sang made me nervous. His piercing eyes did tend to hypnotize me.

Honestly, after my break up with Andrew, my long term boyfriend of three years, I wasn't feeling like falling for anyone again. The pain I had endured was something I definitely didn't want to feel again. He hadn't cheated, or been bad to me, it just one day came to an end and that ending really hurt me.

Yet the sound of Kevin's voice gave me goosebumps, he sang slowly while he held the microphone tightly in his hand. I loved the way he looked at each woman intently as if he was insinuating his passionate words to them.

As we walked to the house I commented on his singing "That song was really nice..."

He stopped swiftly as he stared into my eyes "Oh thanks...I wrote it a while back" he smiled.

Heather interrupted us as she ran up from the shoreline "Hey Kevin...where is your friend Mike?"

He adorably reprimanded her like an older brother "Hey that boy is too old for you..."

"Oh please, did you know that Sam is barely 21. Age is nothing but a number!" She glared at him "Never mind Kevin...good night." She started walking away and then came back, with a roll of her eyes, "Hey how about we have a picnic tomorrow" she pursed her lips and crossed her arms waiting for his response.

He nodded approvingly as she waved with a smile and ran off.

"Yeah it will be fun" Mat added "Well until Pete tries to eat all the food. Bye Kevin!" He tugged at the dog and they ran towards the house.

"Well..." I sighed without anything to really say, there was an awkward silence for a moment.

"Well I guess we better go to bed so that we can do that picnic early." He stuck his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels.

"Right!" I smiled nervously.

I began to walk away. "Hey..." Kevin placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I turned to look at him "Yeah?"

He paused for a moment, "You can trust me you know."

I was caught off guard, I wasn't sure what he meant by it "'s late!" I continued towards the house, as he walked slowly to his.

The next day we had a blast out on the beach as we built sandcastles that Pete enjoyed tumbling down. Eating all kinds of snacks the kids had packed and just running around.

Inside the house Neal and Ellen argued.

I could see them from the corner of my eyes, their hands flying up once in a while, then I caught Ellen glaring at me, I shifted my eyes away from them, quickly. There is no way I wanted to have any part in that mess of theirs.

A little later Neal joined us outside, I could tell he had lost the argument just by looking at his face.

"Hi dad, want to play?" Mat asked anxiously.

"Uh..." he looked around.

I looked at him, knowing he wasn't in the mood to play. That he must've been upset about what had happened inside the house. But I was pretty sure he'd feel better after running around the beach.

"Come on Mr. Smith...just for a little while." I encouraged him.

He couldn't pass up an opportunity to hang out with his kids, so he joined their game of Frisbee.

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