magnetic force

963 21 8

Publish date: 30 October 2023

Word count: 2312

Warnings: N/A

Song: Lover - Taylor Swift 

A/N: Sup guys, I'm back after another long wait and another chapter. My exam are over so hopefully I have more time, ideas and motivation to publish more chapters. I don't even know where I'm going to take the story to but I'll figure it out.

Lando's race tho P17 to P5 and Oscar did amazing as well. 

Oh yea question would you want your boyfriend to be clingy or not? Like if you had to choose from the two ends clingy or not clingy?

Adeena's POV

"Everyone, let's all come together to take a picture!" My uncle announced.

"After this is when all the fun is going to start." I whispered to Oscar as we walked towards the round table.

"Fun?" Oscar looked at me questionably. "Wasn't dinner and everything just it?"

"Nah ah~" I smirked at him. If only he knew what he got himself into.

My uncle was rearranging people from tallest to shortest so that everyone could be seen.

Picture time was always the most complicated. We never knew where to take the picture. Last year, we went downstairs to the pool, and the year before, we took the picture at the rectangular table. This year, we are taking it on the couch.

"Nana! Nana, 边度 ah?" My grandmother, who was sitting on the couch, turned around. Most of us were standing behind the couch. (Cantonese: Where?)

"我喺度." I raised my hand. (Cantonese: I'm here.)

"Nana, 過嚟呢度." My grandmother pats the place next to her on the couch. (Cantonese: Come over here.)

I looked at my grandmother and pointed to Oscar with my eyebrow raised.

My grandmother gestured for the both of us to sit on the couch with her.

BTW I'm her favourite, only granddaughter, you know? My cousins are used to it.

"Hello, Adeena's grandmother." Oscar greeted my grandmother for the first time. It's not like we were both trying to avoid her, but she had just arrived since she came from the hospital for her check-up.

"Hello, hello. Er- Name?" My grandmother struggled to ask, she is not fluent in English but she was much better than other grandmothers her age since she wanted to be able to communicate with my niece and nephews.

"I'm Oscar." My grandmother then looked towards me.

"我嘅男朋友, my boyfriend," I told her keeping it simple. My grandmother's eyes lit up even more and pulled Oscar into a hug. Well basically made me into smores between the two of them since I was sitting in between them.

"I her 婆婆 , grandmother. Be good to her, okay, no okay?" ( 婆婆= popo)

"Yes, I promise I will." Oscar smiled at my grandmother and nodded. My grandmother then patted his back while nodding, and preparing for the picture.

"What if you aren't good to me?" I looked at him with a teasing face.

"Then... I'll quit my F1 career." He told me almost sternly but teasingly as well.

"Yah, don't say that, man. Never quit, if you do I'll... never let you sleep again." Well, there's only one thing he loves from the bottom of his heart, sleep.

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