Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family

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Marvolo recoiled his wand. Ominis braced for the worst to follow.


The small voice of Ominis' younger sister stopped everyone in their tracks. Ominis had forgotten she was even there.

"Why do you bully him so?" Corvina asked.

"Why?" Marvolo asked incredulously. He finally released his hold on Ominis' scalp, and Ominis could hear his footsteps walking towards the child. "You're questioning me, sister?"

"Relax, Marvolo," Verena sighed. Marvolo had stopped walking, and Ominis finally began to lift his head off the table. "Corvina was just a baby when the defect left."

"I wasn't a baby."

"You could barely tie your boots." Verena slammed her teacup on the saucer. "Stop making excuses for him. Don't pity him. Pity is for the weak minded."

Ominis kept his mouth shut this time, not having the energy anymore to argue.

"What the HELL were you thinking?!"

Anne had been immediately taken back to Hogwarts after the Quidditch game. Madam Kogawa had announced the winning team, and the entire Ravenclaw house had screamed and hollered in delight while the Slytherin house had groaned with obvious shock and disappointment. Anne had never seen Imelda so upset before.

And now Anne was now lying in the hospital wing with an agitated Nurse Blainey waving her wand over her. Ominis and Sabrina had escorted the nurse who levitated Anne back to the castle, meanwhile Sebastian had been pacing and yelling almost the entire time since.

"Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?!" Sebastian continued as he paced frantically. "You almost died!"

"Sebastian, I'm fine," Anne insisted as Nurse Blainey wrapped the girls' forearm with dittany leaves and a bandage. "I'm already healed! Would you have preferred me to fly head on into the wall?"

"I would have preferred you not fly at all!" Sebastian stopped and fixed his eyes on his sister. "I'm talking to Imelda, you are not doing that again!"

"I promise not to fly into the wall again."

"No, you're not flying at all!"

"You can't kick me off the team after a little accident!"

"A little accident?! You dislocated your fucking shoulder! You broke your arm! And you didn't even catch the snitch! Imelda wouldn't have been that upset if you had just beaten Keene to it! But no, you're severely injured and we lost! A messed up shoulder and no victory to show for it!"

Anne let her anger come out. "Oh, so my injuries are okay as long as we win?! Fuck you, Sebastian!"

"Fuck you, Annabeth!"

"Enough!" Both Ominis and Sabrina scolded loudly, finally making the Sallow twins stop from their enraged yelling. The pair were still standing nearby for support watching the encounter.

"Sebastian, she wasn't trying to crash on purpose," Sabrina said looking at him.

Sebastian ran an angry hand through his messy, curly hair. "You're right, she was too focused on her girlfriend to try to do anything else!"

Anne reached for the nearest thing she could reach, which happened to be a silver goblet, and threw it at Sebastian's face.

"Enough!" Nurse Blainey exclaimed finally. "Mister Sallow, take a walk! And don't come back until tomorrow morning! You two can go with him. Miss Sallow needs her rest."

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