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"Why are we stopping? Why are we at the forest?" 

"I need to show you something but you need to promise to keep it a secret, from everyone. Okay?" I said calmly turning back to the forest. 


"The darkest one" I said loud enough for just me and henry could hear. The forest started to open ad I heard Henry aw is amazement. I started to carefully drive into the forest. A few minute we pulled up to the garage. I could basically feel Henry vibrating in excitement. 

The garage opened and we pulled in. I hopped off the bike and helped Henry off. "What do you think? Want to go find your room?" I asked snapping my fingers; making both mine and Henry gear disappear.  

"This is so cool! Did you do this?! I love the cars! I get my own room?!" Henry screamed running up to me jumping into my arms. "Yes!" I said laughing. We stood there hugging for a second. I put Henry down and we started to walk to the house. Henry told me how cool it was to ride a motorcycle and he loved the armor and suit he got to wear. 

I unlocked the door and Henry ran inside looking around. He found his way to the kitchen and I slowly followed behind. "'Want a snack or a drink?" I asked walking over sitting on the stool next to him. "Do you have any cookies?" Henry asked calming down a little bit. "Of course." I said snapping my fingers and two chocolate chop cookies landed on the counter. Henry grabbed them murmuring a thank you while shoving his face full of cookies. 

"Henry." I said getting the kids attention. "I have been thinking about this for a little bit and I think I'm going to ask on mine and Regina's two year anniversary which is coming up in 3 months but I need your blessing." I said looking down panicking slightly. 

"I want to marry Regina and I want your blessing first." I squeaked out. Henrys eyes widened at the question. "Yes! a million time yes. Please marry my mom!" Henry squeaked shocked and excited. He than gave me a huge hug. Finally, I could have a family. Me and Henry continued to walk around the house I showed him everything and we talked. He was super excited to find his room. 

"Henry. We need to get you home its almost 8" I said walking towards the back door to the garage. "Okay Y/n." Henry said walking over to me. "What car do you wan to take?" I questioned Henry while opening the garage doors. Henry looked over to all of the sports cars clearing enjoying them. "How about this one?" Henry said pointing to the Audi. "Good choice kid." I said grabbing the key. 

We climbed into the car Henry sitting next to me. "Henry before we leave I need to talk about a few things." I said calmly. Henry turned to me. "Do you have a phone?" I asked turning to him. he shook his head no. I grabbed a small phone from my pocket. "Here's a phone it only has my number in it. You are not aloud to show anyone this phone and you are going to do anything with it other than message or call me. You must keep it a secret" I said handing him the phone making sure he put it in his pocket.

"Second of all. If you need t get away or anything else text or call me. If you really need to get away go to the edge of the forest. Where we were today. I will say 'The Darkest One' and the forest will open like earlier it is enchanted." I looked at Henry making sure he was following along. 

"And most importantly you are not aloud to tell anyone of this other than Gold or rumple whatever you call him. He is the only one who knows and we are going to keep it that way." I said looking at him. 

I made henry repeat what I said before I started the car. The car roared to life and I pulled out already liking the new car. We made it to the edge of the forest before I turned to Henry. "say it" I said before making the engine roar. "The Darkest One" Henry said confidently. I nodded before taking off into the forest. 

We quickly pulled out of the forest. I slowed down the car before turning to Henry. "Want to go fast. Nobody ever comes around here so its safe" I said hoping he says yes. Henrys eye widened with excitement before quickly saying yes. The second he said yes I stepped on it. We sped down the highway. We quickly made our way into to town not slowing down till I saw the police station and Emma staring at the car.

I revved the engine making people jump at the stared in aw at the car. We made our way to Regina's house loving the people staring at the car. I revved the engine once more before parking the car. "We are here!" I said doing a drum roll on my lap. Henry giggled a little before hoping out. Henry ran through the door into the house not bothering closing the door. 

I ran in looking around seeing the house in its perfect beauty. I walked into the living room to see Robin hood and Regina sitting on the couch's. "Hey you guys. What are you talking about?" I asked curiously. I didn't like Robin hood. He was shifty and was known as a liar. Regina had started to become close with him. 

Regina looked at me with slight panic before going to a soft smile and replying. "Just setting up a playdate with Henry and his kid." She said standing up. I just nodded before telling Henry to go to his room. I turned to Robin. "Well than, can I show you out Robin or can you leave yourself?" I asked hissing slightly. He glared at me before walking towards the door. 

"goodbye Regina bye Y/n I will see you around. He called before closing the door. I scoffed before turning to Regina. "What's with you and Robin?" She asked walking towards me. "I don't like him. Can you please stay away from him." I said pulling her into a kiss before she could answer. 

We pulled away gasping for air. Regina turned to me answering. "Okay. Ill stay away." She said before she went upstairs. Weird. 

I sighed following her upstairs. I walked into the bedroom seeing Regina without a shirt. She was still wearing her bra and pants but she was topless. My eyes instantly flickered to a bruise that was on her chest. It was a deep purple. 

"Regina, what's that?" I questioned pointing at it. She turned to the mirror in the room searching for the small bruise just above her color bone. I could see slight panic in her face for a second before it was gone. "I fell down the stairs after you left this morning, I guess that's why my chest hurt." She said looking at me in the mirror. 

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" I questioned worried. "No I don't. Get changed I want to cuddle" She answered her soft side showing. She only showed this side of her around me or Henry. I just nodded before quickly changing. I crawled into bed resting my head on Regina's chest. 

Regina started to play with my hair and I slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep. 

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