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I walked down the street towards Golds shop. I can't wait for Dinner today. I cant wait to see Regina. I'm so excited. I was soon in front of the shop. i opened the door and walked in to an empty shop. Gold wasn't in the front weird he's always here. I walked to the back of the shop noticing that he hadn't touched anything yet. I walked into the back of the shop and i saw him staring at something. It looked like a knife. "Gold" I said trying to get his attention. He snapped is head up quickly turning fully to me. "Yes dearie?" he asked hiding the object behind his back. "What are you hiding?" i asked walking towards him. "Its nothing" he replied coldly. "I need you to reprice the stuff in the shop today." he said before walking out. "Weird". 

I followed gold to the front of the store. "What do you want me to start with? and what are you holding?" I asked him walking past the counter and over to one of the many drawers he has. "Do what ever you want I don't care what you reprice today. And you will learn in time" he said.

I turned to look at him, he was looking at an old painting. And pulled on a side of the painting and it swung open like a door. Behind it there was a small safe in the wall. He put in a four number passcode before putting his dagger in and locking it closed. He swung the painting back over, as if it was normal. "How many secrets do you have?" i asked gold while taking out a drawer full of jewelry. "Many, I have many secrets Dearie" Gold said turning to me. "And you will learn them in time" He said before walking into the back. "Well now I am even more curious! And stop use the sentence ' you will learn or know in time' it's infuriating!" I yelled at him while walking over to the counter to put the jewelry down. All I heard was him chuckle at my response. 

"Curiosity killed the cat" he yelled after a minute. "But satisfaction brought it back" i yelled back at him. Now I heard him do a full on laugh while I just giggled. "You really are something Y/n" He said walking to the front after a minute. "So I have been told" i said looking over at him. "Now i need to get back to repricing this jewelry". "You do that, i just need to go grab something from my house. I'll be back in a little bit just keep an eye on the shop" Gold said grabbing his keys. "okay" i said looking at him while he walked through the door. Is it even legal for him to drive with his limp? Whatever. 

I back down at the drawer, most of this jewelry was beautiful and the drawer together could be worth a like 40 or 50 grand. And there wasn't much in it. And he had at least 5 others drawers like it. Does no one in this town steal like my god. This could be such a easy steal come in grab some stuff and run out. I grabbed a simple necklace and looked. It was a apple necklace it was silver. On one side it was a plain apple and on the other side there were drips coming down from the top like from Snow White. Cute. 

It wasn't worth much, it was just silver. I repriced the tag and put it for $150. He had it originally priced at $600 which is way to much. I continued looking through all of the jewelry it was all beautiful and i wondered what it would look like to wear some of the necklaces. 

Once I finished going through the third drawer of jewelry i heard someone walk in. I looked up and it was Emma. I looked back down hoping that she would leave. "Y/n I want to talk" she said while walking up to the counter. "Talk about what" i said coldly looking back up to look her in the eye. "About yesterday" she said quietly.  "What about yesterday" I said putting the necklace that i was holding down. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what i said, it was stupid and your my sister" she said nervously. "It's fine Emma, just please be more careful. I might not forgive you next time." I said raising my voice slightly at the last part. "Okay, now that we have all of that dealt with I'm going to go find Graham." Emma said. "Good, leave" i hissed at her still slightly pissed off. 

The second Emma walked out of the door Gold walked in. "What was that about" He asked walking over to the counter. "Nothing important". I slowly walked to the back of the store. I need a second. "Hey Gold I'm taking 15 ill be back soon" i called out not caring what he said. He may be my boss but i need a minute to my self. I walked out the back door and towards the forest. It wasn't far from here. 

Once i reached the border between forest and town I ran. I ran deep into the forest. I ran for a few minutes before I stopped. I needed to punch something. I walked over to the closest tree and i swung. 1, 2, 3, 4. "AAAHHHH" i dropped to my knees screaming. I just needed a release. And screaming made it feel like i had just let everything go. It felt good. I felt something warm drip down my hand. Blood. I watched the crimson liquid flow out of the cuts on my hand. Blood never bothered me, I found it weirdly peaceful. After a minute i properly looked at my hand. I had punched the tree really hard yet somehow I didn't break my hand. I could still bend it and everything. I just had cuts all over it and a few huge gashes.

I stood back up wiping the tears that had run down my face without even noticing. I slowly started to walk back into town. I needed to wipe my hand. It was now completely covered with blood. as i walked the streets some people looked at my hand with complete shock. i walked to the hotel room and quickly rinsed my hand off causing me to wince in pain. I quickly wiped of the water and remaining blood before walking back to the shop. It had easily been 30 minutes since I left. As I walked down the street the blood and water started to merge covering my hand again. 

I needed to ask gold if he had any bandages in his shop. If not ii would go buy some. I opened the door only to see gold standing there with his arms crossed. "Y/n.. Where have you been. Its been 45 minutes since you left saying you would be back in fifteen" He said staring into my soul. "I was busy" I hissed at him. I tried to walk past him and into the back to try to get back to work. But as i tried to pas Gold he stuck his arm out in front of me. "What happened to you hand?". "A-a nothing". 

I tried to continue to walk into the back the pain now getting really bad. "Y/n you blood is starting to drip onto the floor, your not fine". "But I am". "Y/n let me take a look. Now" Gold was serious. And I knew that i wouldn't win this argument. I leaned on the counter and gave him my injured hand. "Wait. Do you have any Tylenol?" i asked him. My hand now in so much pain. Maybe i did break a bone. Gold just nodded and walked into the back room. I heard him go through a few drawers before grabbing something and walking back over. "Here." he handed me two pills.

"Thanks" i said popping them into my mouth taking them dry. He slowly lifted my hand up and wiped the top with a handkerchief while I hissed in pain. "Y/n i can see bone we are going to the hospital." He said before grabbing his keys. "It's not that bad" I said slowly moving my hand down. My hand hit the counter and I winced in pain. Gold raised his eyebrow questioning me. "Fine, I'm coming" i said rushing over to him. 

We got into the car and soon reached the hospital. It was only a five minute drive from his shop but it felt like forever. We walked into the hospital and one of the nurses waved me over to her station so she could ask question about what happened. "What happened?" She asked me looking at gold before quickly looking back at me. "I-I punched a tree a few times. But I don't think anything is broken". "I would be shocked" i heard Gold grumble from over my shoulder. I just rolled my eyes. 

The lady asked a few more question before telling me to wait in the waiting area. "you punched a tree?". 

"yes Gold. I punched a tree" i said chuckling a little. I made a really stupid decision. Seconds later I heard storming through the front doors of the hospital. I looked over at the doors to see who it was. 

It was Emma. "She tracked my phone" I whispered to gold who was now looking at the doors. The next second Emma was storming over to me. "Y/n what the hell". She basically screamed. "Don't what the hell me!" I hissed at her. "Ill do what i want" she snapped back. "Ms. Swan, could you please leave your sister is in pain and you are just making thing worse" He said calmly. "Stay out of this Gold" she hissed at him. She turned back to me. I followed her eyes only to see her looking at my bloodied hand. "What did you do?". "That is none of your concern sister" I said resting my hand in my lap. "ugh, why are you like this" Emma hissed at me. "because I am, You can blame our parents and foster homes" I said staring into her soul. "Whatever" Emma hissed before storming out of the hospital. Just than i heard my name being called. "Gold can you come. I don't like hospitals." I said while standing up. 

"Of course Y/n"

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