A childhood Lie

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My eyes slowly flutter open, to the sound of laughing? I hear laughing. I roll over to see Emma also awake. I stand up and walk over to Emma, who is now standing. "Do you hear the laughing to?" I question, moving my weight between each leg waiting for an answer. "Yeah. I'm going to go check it out. Want to come" Emma says picking up her sword. "Well duh." I say while making a dagger appear in my hand.

"Its coming from that direction, so that's where we start." I say pointing with the dagger in the direction of the noise which has stopped. "Lets go than" Emma replies simply before walking off. I follow soon after catching up with her quickly. I could feel the pain in my ankle start to ache but not nearly as bad as before. 

We walk just outside of the camp when we here a voice. "You hear it to?" 

Emma and I both jump in slight shock, I chock back down a sob from the sudden impact. "Your Emma right. And you're Y/n. I wonder why they cant hear the crying." He says not questioning but more of a statement like he already knew why. Emma moved forward pointing her sword at him. 

"Who are you?" Emma asked carefully. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter.  Peter Pan" The boy says. This is it. I have now officially seen everything. Not a second later Emma lunges at him pinning him to a tree sword to his neck. But he doesn't seem even a bit worried. 

"Where's Henry" She says clearly not amused. "You've got fire. I like fire." Peter says while smiling. I slowly walk over to the two of them hearing Emma demand where her son is. "Henry is still alive, if that's what you're worried about." He says not noticing me creeping up. I walk beside Emma before stopping. Before i could even think I drove my dagger in to Peter's stomach making him gasp in what looked like shock.  

His eyes look from Emma to his stomach to me. I twist the dagger before pulling out of his stomach. I hear Emma hiss my name from beside me. I could see the blood stain his shirt before seeming to stop the shirt was suddenly not blood stained and like new. "I'm Peter Pan. You've got to try harder to kill me than that." He says, eyes glaring at me with an amused smile. Emma is still holding the sword to his neck so he cant move. 

He looks back at Emma just in time for another question. "Why the hell did you take him?" She hisses. "He's a very special boy, Emma" He answers. "We know. That doesn't answer the question though." I say not amused that he wasn't dead. "What do you want with him?" Emma hisses getting angrier by the second. "I came here to see who I was up against. The Savior." 

"Gotta say, I'm not disappointed." he says the corners of his lips twitching upwards. "What are you gonna say know. You're gonna tell me how I'm never gonna see Henry again?" She questions seeming more calm yet even more angry. 

"No, I'm going to help you find him. Ill give you a map." He says. Emma backs away from peter. Peter reaches into his jacket and pulls out a map. "A map that will lead you straight to your son."  He says taking a step forwards. "If this some type of trap..." Emma trails of. Peter chuckles for a second before continuing. "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. The path to find Henry is on this parchment." 

"Why are you giving it to me?"  Emma question pushing the tip of her sword into his chest. "See, it's not about finding Henry. It's about how you find him." 

I suddenly hear something coming from behind me. I whip my head around to face the noise but nothings there. I snap my head back to see if Emma reacted at all, but she hadn't. I turn back around hearing it again. I walk deeper into the forest. Magic swirling around my hands. The noise seems to be getting louder the deeper I go into the forest.

Suddenly the noise stops. I spin around trying to find something or trying to hear a noise. But I don't see or hear anything. "What is happening?" I whisper to myself. Emma and Peters conversation is now gone to. Its quiet. 

I walk further in the direction I started not fully knowing why. Something felt wrong. Like something really bad was about to happen. Suddenly I hear a branch break from above me. My head snaps upwards at the noise above me. A boy stands leaning against the trunk of the tree pointing a bow and arrow at me. A dark substance dripping from the arrow head. 

Than I hear a noise from all around. I look around. I was surrounded by at least 20 boys all holding bows and arrows or spears the heads all dripping in a black gooey substance. "Well fuck" I say. "Thank god for magic." I whipping my hands up forcing all of the weapons to be forced to the floor at my feet. 

"Well, That's interesting." I hear someone say from behind me. A new voice. Its a tall boy standing leaning against a tree. he's in a dark cloak hiding his face. "Never seen magic like that." He says pointing to my hands. I look at them for a second. 

Dark blue magic swirling around my hands sparkling in the moons light. "Well than leave me alone." I hiss snapping my fingers nocking out  all of the boys except for the tall one who was now clapping. "Wish i could. But what fun would that be?" He said before walking away. 

What just happened. I could see the sun start to rise. Shit. I need to get back to camp. I started running in the direction i though was right. I suddenly sprinted into the camp. All heads turned to me. 

"Where the fuck have you been! I thought you were dead!" I hear Regina scream as she runs up to me. "Well I'm not dead" I say pulling her into a hug. I put my head in the crook of her neck. 

We stand there hugging for a little before Regina pulls away giving me a kiss and grabbing my hand to drag me over to the rest of the group. 

Emma's sitting on the ground holding the map staring blankly at it. Captain speaks up. "I'd wager the solution to Pan's riddle is a bit more complicated than that." 

"Don't hold anything back" Snow says still somehow cheery. 

"I'm Henrys mother. I used to live in Boston, and was a bail bondsperson. I'm now the sheriff of Storybrooke." Emma says to the map. "That election was a sham. Are we really doing this?" Regina interrupts. 

I chuckle at Regina. "Still not over that?" I question grinning at her. She glares at me, and I wave my hands in the air surrendering. Snow starts talking again and I feel eyes on the back of my head. I turn around seeing nothing. I lean over to Regina. "I'm going to go check the forest. I felt something if anything happens just call my name." I say before walking into the forest. 

I Continue walking till I'm just out of sight and hearing distance from the camp. "So Peter Pan?" I say stopping in the middle of another small clearing. "Yes Y/n. That is my name." He says sarcastically. 

I turn to face him. "You and your lost boys are a lot more evil then the movie says." I say matching his smirk. "Well then the movies are wrong. And Evil is such a strong word." He replies stalking towards me like I was prey. 

I stand still holding my ground. "Well then how would you describe yourself? My childhood was really a lie." I say making a dagger appear in my hand. "I guess I would say I'm evil then. Maybe Wicked. No that doesn't sit right. Evil, that's the one. And If you thought this Island was ever sunshine and rainbows then I guess Your childhood was a lie." He says still walking till he's about a foot in front of me. 

"What do you want for Henry. I'll trade you." I say smirking. I take a step forward bringing the knife up to his throat. "I'm not trading him for anything. And please tell Emma your using the map wrong. She needs to be truthful with her thought and who she is. Hint. Who are your parents." He says before disappearing leaving me shocked.  

"Hey come back we weren't done talking!" I scream into the sky. I mumble a few curses before walking back into the camp. 

I see something glowing in front of Regina. Its the map. "Regina don't!" I scream but its to late, the map starts to show its ink. 

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